Busy busy times!!!
Also very exciting!!!
Going great guns to get the shop addition water tight. After opening up the roof of the original shop - it rained -

Some water but tarps held things in check. Time line- trusses arrived Thursday Sept 5, trusses up the 6th, the 7th laid the attic floor and sorted out the incoming roof. The 8th we sheeted the one side and I installed forms at the neighbours for a 24x24 work space. 9th we packed the sand for concrete pour next door and sheeted the other side of the roof
On the 10th I framed in the gable ends (wood from my mill) and I started on the back framing for the tie in roof. Going from 5/12 to a 10/12
The new “machine shop” floor. 22 x 24 with radiant floor heat
Poured a 24x24 pad for the neighbours on Wednesday and they responded by getting the shingles (they own a roofing company) completed today!!
I also went over and stress cut the 24x24 pad this morning while they were roofing. My boys and I wrapped the addition and installed the windows and door. Tomorrow I put in the garage door and finish up some sealing and we are water tight!!! Woo hoo!!
Milling machine was moved out of the way and I will soon cut the doorway between the shops
I will insulate, vapour barrier the whole shop, strap and drywall the ceiling, board the walls. Then paint the entire place a slight off white. Electrical will surface run in conduit.
Stay tuned for more action…. Well… it happens slowly so maybe “action” is a bit misleading…..perhaps progress is better!