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Brent Builds!!

I lived in N Dakota (Hazen) for 3+ years. Great experience. Just a couple hours from where you are in Kronau. Not many trees around unless you plant them. Yours look really nice. Guessing you’re included some Russian olives since they can survive the dry summers. The town name Kronau, like a lot in N Dakota, reflects its German heritage. Kinda like the local special of the day being fleischkuekle.

(I realize that Saskatchewan is not North Dakota but they are geographically similar. Also, German immigration in Saskatchewan, 130 years ago, was very similar to N.D.)
The original shelter belt when we moved in 22 years ago was blue spruce, elm, caragana,, willow, lilac, poplar and chokecherry. Since then we've planted more varietals of poplar, Scots pine, more chokecherry, white pine, spruce, maple, Sea buckthorn, jack pine, more caragana, saskatoons, pears, apples, plums, crab apples. I think were up around 8000 so far. Plus all the ornamental stuff around the house and yard. I think we have one or two Russian olives. We have an excellent water supply so I regularly drag around hundreds of feet of 1 1/2 black irrigation line to various parts of the yard, hook it up to a couple of hundred feet of 3/4 inch line studded with sprinkler heads and let'er rip. We've had a lot of timely rain this year but it is common for the irrigation pump to run 24/7 for a couple of months.
Lots or German and Ukrainian names on the R.M. map.
We're only about 45km from Regina so close enough to keep supplied but not so close I can smell it.