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Brent Builds!!

The foundry in Victoria had a fireman’s pole as a service bell you could strike with a base drum stick to get their attention.
Brass pole will be going from the attic space to the middle of the shop. That way I can provide the fireman and she can provide the extinguisher all in one go!!! :D

I can picture the pole, but I can't quite see the rest. All's I know for sure is that you sailors are all crazy...... So it's probably for the best to leave it that way
Brass pole will be going from the attic space to the middle of the shop. That way I can provide the fireman and she can provide the extinguisher all in one go!!! :D

I can picture the pole, but I can't quite see the rest. All's I know for sure is that you sailors are all crazy...... So it's probably for the best to leave it that way
If you go with the beaded curtains, where are you putting the brass pole?:rolleyes:
Years ago I worked as a partsman/purchaser for a local company that was owned by some fairly conservative Mennonites. I fielded a call for some materials that was a bit unusual but I proceeded ahead anyways.

The boss comes in, asks me what I'm doing. Told him I was sourcing a brass pole. "For what?", he innocently asks. After a moment's hesitation I come clean & tell him it's for the local stripper bar. His face turns red, he gets all flustered, mutters something about me doing a good job & bails out of the room.

As an aside, we didn't get the job...