I can understand that. Most of my career was spent trying to modernize and do things more efficiently against the wishes of stubborn old toolmakers that didn't want to change, but just kept leaping from one sinking ship to another as we couldn't keep up with competition, foreign and domestic. I wanted to CNC everything, they, Including owners, didn't. It was always a tougher battle than it needed to be, but I had many victories I'm proud of.
Now in my home shop I actually enjoy cranking handles again. Never thought I would enjoy manual milling again after utilizing CNC for so many years, but I turn to it WAY more than the CNC mill sitting next to it. I do different kind of work than I used to, but still, in my home shop there is really no cost justification for anything. Just for pure enjoyment of building stuff. Having the CNC option still opens up a lot of possibilities too, It's really nice to just let it eat away while I do something else, but for most general milling, it's handles.....Now, if I could only find a reasonably priced and local 10-12 H/V rotary table.....