Got to spend most of the afternoon in the shop working on the plasma cutter

Though I'm not sure that will be apparent from the photos.
Last update I was laying out the gear rack.
Today I drilled and tapped it, counter sunk the holes for the flat head mounting screws.

I had been fretting over how to maintain the .269" spacing from the V-rail. I measured the height of the gear rack at .25" so I decided to use the cut off pieces as spacers. The stepper motor mounts have provisions to adjust the gear mesh so the .019" difference will be made up that way.
The rack is pretty narrow on its face and I was drill and tapping for 6-32 screws. I could only place holes under the gear peaks other wise there wasn't enough material. Needless to say I had my magnifiers on for this.

This is the back of the Y-axis. The top and bottom screws are securing the v-rail. the single screw is for the gear rack.

The bill of materials spec'ed pinion gears without set screws so I had to drill and tap the pinion gears for 10-24 set screws. These gears were $16. With set screws they are a whopping $42. Each.

Did a trial fit to make sure everything was copacetic.

Looking down into the Y-axis at the pinion and rack. Definitely a tight fit!

Next steps are to finish the motor mounts; add a roll pin to each for a tensioning spring, build the torch mount (that's a design in progress!) and do the wiring.
It's coming along pretty alright so far. The hairiest part was the gear racks and that's done