To follow up on my lease a bottle discussion ..............
I went to Air Liquide today.
I turned in an empty Mig gas cylinder , told them I no longer want a lease.
Because I wanted to buy two cylinders I got a small break on the price ( I think)
I now own a Mig gas cylinder and an Argon cylinder , no more annual lease payments., no surprise here , there were "fee's" , just enough to make the deal , a bit raw.
The down side is , you are limited on the size of the cylinder you may own , I would have liked to upsize the cylinders I had so re-fill intervals are longer , it wasn't an option.
The Mig gas cylinder I brought home is the same size as what I had , the Argon cylinder is the same size too. The cubic volume is close to the same but the pressure is lower (confused ?

It will take a few years to see a savings due to what they charge to own a cylinder , in the long term , it makes more sense to own as has been pointed out by a few participants in this conversation.
It's $90 to fill these cylinders and is done as an exchange , so me having to pick up the tab to re-cert the cylinders is not gonna happen , they take care of it.
Overall my wallet is lighter but I'm happy I did it , very soon I can light up my new to me Tig machine .
I should have done this a long time ago
On Monday , I'm turning in my leased Oxy/ Acetylene cylinders , the lease is up , I've had them for a long time but I very rarely use them and there are other methods for heating or cutting .
I will be selling my cutting/ welding torches , regulators (Uniweld) , hoses and cart that I bought from Air Liquide .