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Welding carts & compressed gases

Still exchanging them like that you never have to get your bottles tested that falls on them.
I’ve been dealing with oxypro off Barlow ….. I’m neutral. I own all my cylinders and when u exchanged I got the old , hmmmm, we’ll, geeez, these are 11 year old bottles….. I said but I always exchange here and ended up having to pair the certification fee etc. i can never get a good feeling with these guys…. I go there because it is convienient.

I don’t mind Kms but the last refill I had they didn’t cool the cylinder imho and the fill was about 80%. I did lease from praxaor for a few years but I don’t weld enough to justify it.

I guess I am generally untrustful of all these guys in Calgary …. I never come away feeling like the customer
I’ve been dealing with oxypro off Barlow ….. I’m neutral. I own all my cylinders and when u exchanged I got the old , hmmmm, we’ll, geeez, these are 11 year old bottles….. I said but I always exchange here and ended up having to pair the certification fee etc. i can never get a good feeling with these guys…. I go there because it is convienient.

I don’t mind Kms but the last refill I had they didn’t cool the cylinder imho and the fill was about 80%. I did lease from praxaor for a few years but I don’t weld enough to justify it.

I guess I am generally untrustful of all these guys in Calgary …. I never come away feeling like the customer
Something that never sits well with me is , fees added on , lots of companies do it whether they are providing a service or selling a product , often it's just a fee for the sake of milking us for every last possible cent .

Convenience fee
Admin fee
Added value fee
Paper billing fee
Cylinder tracking fee
Service charge
Green fee
and there are many , many more cleverly concieved ways to separate the consumer from his money.
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Bell used to have a $2 touch tone fee for land lines, and I can remember my wife arguing with the guy on the phone trying to get it removed because we had a rotary, and didn't need it lol. He was saying "that's impossible, those don't work anymore" and she was replying "I'm talking to you right now from a rotary dial phone" lol. Still makes me laugh. We still have the phone, but dropped land line service shortly after that call. Ad on fees drive me nuts.
To follow up on my lease a bottle discussion ..............

I went to Air Liquide today.
I turned in an empty Mig gas cylinder , told them I no longer want a lease.
Because I wanted to buy two cylinders I got a small break on the price ( I think)
I now own a Mig gas cylinder and an Argon cylinder , no more annual lease payments., no surprise here , there were "fee's" , just enough to make the deal , a bit raw.

The down side is , you are limited on the size of the cylinder you may own , I would have liked to upsize the cylinders I had so re-fill intervals are longer , it wasn't an option.
The Mig gas cylinder I brought home is the same size as what I had , the Argon cylinder is the same size too. The cubic volume is close to the same but the pressure is lower (confused ? :rolleyes: ).
It will take a few years to see a savings due to what they charge to own a cylinder , in the long term , it makes more sense to own as has been pointed out by a few participants in this conversation.
It's $90 to fill these cylinders and is done as an exchange , so me having to pick up the tab to re-cert the cylinders is not gonna happen , they take care of it.

Overall my wallet is lighter but I'm happy I did it , very soon I can light up my new to me Tig machine .

I should have done this a long time ago :confused:

On Monday , I'm turning in my leased Oxy/ Acetylene cylinders , the lease is up , I've had them for a long time but I very rarely use them and there are other methods for heating or cutting .

I will be selling my cutting/ welding torches , regulators (Uniweld) , hoses and cart that I bought from Air Liquide .
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Glad it worked out for you it’s been a year since I had my bottles filled but sounds like the same price. I‘ve always been treated good there mind you we have known Andrew since he use to chum with Adrian for a number of years. And if you get stuck I have Oxy/ acc you can use.
This week, I happened to fill two different bottles. The Argon is the 80 cuft bottle that I own, the grandfather thing I mentioned earlier. Cannot buy them anymore but praxair honours them. It cost $130 after all fees and taxes. I then filled my Mig gas 40 cuft bottle (by fill, I mean exchange of course) and it cost $90.
I just found a bill for oxy tank it was $65 with tax for an exchange tank i own. These little suckers don't last very long if your cutting steel. This was Air Liquide.
How are tanks identified as to when they need to be re-certified, like a stamp or engraving or something? Is this what the gas filler-uppers confirm? If compliant, ok fill - if not, no fill? Or is there more to it than that?
How are tanks identified as to when they need to be re-certified, like a stamp or engraving or something? Is this what the gas filler-uppers confirm? If compliant, ok fill - if not, no fill? Or is there more to it than that?
I bought my tanks 20 years ago, from BOC gas now Linde, new and filled, with tax were $330. Last time I exchanged them around 2018, acetylene with all charges was $110, and oxygen was $60. Of course, I don't own the tank per say, I own a lifetime right to an exchange.
I checked my tanks, and there are dates stamped into the cylinders, so I imagine whoever fills these things would be required to send any 'out of date' cylinders off for an inspection and likely hydrostatic testing.
I also checked 20 years worth of receipts to see the volume of the cylinders, and all that was marked was oxygen C and acetylene WB. OK, no problem, I googled that info- and came up with nothing. So the bottom line is, the Gas companies love people like me; I don't know what I have, I don't know what I am getting, but I am happy to pay for it.
Completed the tanks strap mounting and the rod storage is almost done. I need to space the top rack out before securing it. To make the rod storage shelves, I cut a groove in a 4" wide piece, then bent it over to 90. Gave me the exact dimension angle I wanted while remaining kinda straight...:) Also got to weld up the outside corner with the TIG so good practice for me.


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Unknown to me until today ....... the Tig torch that was included with this machine is not compatible .

What I need is a dinse 35-70 cable that has a flow through gas feature , the machine originally had a cable like this without a separate gas hose , there is a separate gas hose with the torch I got .

Damn !! more spending !

A search of Miller & Air Liquide websites came up blank , this machine is probably close to 20 years old.

I did find one that will work , on ebay , and on Amazon.


The connection is not threaded , it's a insert & twist , sealed with an O ring