Former Member
PA in Bolton has 3 heavy duty carts on clearance for $90 vs 260 in the front entrance today.
I usually sketch out my ideas on paper , I have dozens of sketches of crap I haven't built yet.@Gearhead88 do you have a plan or are you winging it? I started on mine. Been going through my stock to see what I have and designing around it, while using this thread and Google images for ideas. I don't have firm plan but do have a general idea. Found some large wheels I did not recall owning. Have the base framed so similar to where you are at, from what I see.
Because I asked for photos, I guess I better supply some, eh?
@Gearhead88 do you have a plan or are you winging it? I started on mine. Been going through my stock to see what I have and designing around it, while using this thread and Google images for ideas. I don't have firm plan but do have a general idea. Found some large wheels I did not recall owning. Have the base framed so similar to where you are at, from what I see.
Because I asked for photos, I guess I better supply some, eh?
At work I make detailed CAD models of everything I build. Mostly large assemblies, everything detailed, every screw and dowel location etc. At home I grab a tape measure and start digging through the scrap pile lol. I don't even make sketches. I'm like 2 completely different people sometimes. I enjoy both processes and workflows. Although I enjoy the creative process at home a bit more.
Thoughts on the lease vs own the bottles ??
I bought a bottle and its basically an exchange when when you get it filled, its the next size up from an 80.
First fill was within 6 months, used a lot of gas learning (part if it is gas setup), welded a lot more on the new fill and use a lot less.
Back when Ron was running Praxair, if I was doing a big job and thought i'd run out, he'd toss me an extra bottle and i'd just pay for the gas, and bring the next empty back and we'd be square again. They don't do that sort of thing anymore. Mark a Liquid Air is great to deal with though...I think. Praxair will also rent a bottle for a short term. I don't know how cost effective that is but if one had a large project for a short term, that might be. IIRC, it was reasonable.
I've been a loyal Air Liquide customer , for many years . I have on lease right now , an Allmig size 16 , oxygen & acetylene cylinders .What province are you in? Who regulates what bottles one can own? I wonder if this is a local policy, provincial, federal or supplier policies.... Air Liquide will only sell the 40/45 cuft bottles. Praxair is who sold the original 80 ft bottle that I now own (they don't sell them anymore) but if you own the larger one yet, that would be a good size to own for a homeowner. The guy who bought my welder was talking about bottles. He said he did not want to lease cause it cost too much as a friend of his just returned his and "had $1400 into it" I asked how and turns out he had it for 14 years and never used a full bottle, sooooo, one has to be realistic about their uses, which change year to year, project to project for most, I think. Praxair will also rent a bottle for a short term. I don't know how cost effective that is but if one had a large project for a short term, that might be. IIRC, it was reasonable.