So I have yet another project just as I am almost finished with the Herbus plant starter.
We have (or had) squirrels in our attic. Apparently since our house was vacant for two weeks they decided to move in. No rent payments. Sneaky.
Couldn't see any ingress point from the ground. But there was a slightly suspicious point. Out comes the ladder to look again where I'd put mesh to keep the rats out. Mesh was fine.
Move ladder over and look above the gutter. Ah ha. Not really visible from the ground nor from the roof and only just with a telephoto lens from the upper driveway.
This piece attached to the plywood soffit had rotted and fallen down.
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With it out of the way it's easy to see how big an entry there is now.
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With the triangular piece moved towards the wall the view from the ground with the 10x setting on the cell phone camera shows just how hard it would be to spot that this was a hole.
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Now plugged up. The plywood piece can be pushed out if the squirrels are still in the attic. But it's tight enough that they likely couldn't pull it out from outside so they will have to sleep in a tree tonight.
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Now from the back driveway it's still not really possible to see the hole covered up. Only the piece of wood shows that there's something different there and even that's hard to see.
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