But isn’t cool watching him single pointing 2-56 in CRS on what looks like a 14” lathe?
Yes, VERY COOL! I was flabbergasted! His first shot was pretty much what I expected. Not easy to thread a noodle......
But his micro follower clobbered that pesky little issue.
I like this concept: saves remaking the entire follower. If it were me, I’d use the bearing mount to attach the individual “backers.”
The bearing axles are pressed in pins. I didn't know that till I had a better look. Quite frankly, I think I'll add another item on my project list to make that a Stub threaded axle so I can change the bearing or insert a custom end ala this project. I'll call that item "Follow Rest Threaded Axle" or something similar. I'll also add a micro follow rest.
Setting that pesky little issue aside, I agree it's a better plan. Just need to make the Bearing axle replaceable first.
Joe used Linen Phenolic because the threads will cut into it without tending to transfer material into the threads (and he likes using this material
I'm thinking some kind of plastic would do the same. Maybe nylon or ABS.
But if you don’t use the original TPI you’ll need to modify the nut; if you’re going to do that you may as well up-size the diameter to make it easier to cut.
Can't increase the screw diameter. Won't go through the existing caliper legs which are already thin enough.
I was thinking I could rethread the existing nut from 60 to 56. That would jam over the length of the nut. But, if I drill out half the nut so it's just a tube, the remaining portion of threads might not jam.
Hey: you were the one who (foolishly? unnecessarily?) asked for opinions!
Not complaining Charlie. I like debate, discussion, and hearing other opinions. None of us is perfect and I really do treasure other opinions and input!