Well, It's been a while hasn't it. Happy New Year to all and I hope it is a healthy and safe one!
I can only explain my absence as getting my ass kicked by life. I'm back now and starting to feel a little bit more like myself, so I'll give you the update on the Bridgeport.
Jan 09, After being sick for almost two whole weeks, I felt up to going into the shop. I unboxed my nice new bearings in the most sterile way. As if I was bringing a new life into this world. I was full of excitement that this new year holds. I pressed my lower spindle bearing stack together on the spindle. I followed all the manufacturer recommended procedures. I was proud. Too proud; because of-bloody-course I put the spindle shield on upside down. I thought "o well, I'll press them off and turn it around", and then proceeded to turn the spindle shield from one part into 10. Sulked into the house and ordered a new one.
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Jan 14, My part has arrived. I went to the shop and pressed the lower spindle bearing stack together without incident. I then proceeded to press on the upper spindle bearing and ensured all the spacers were centred. I had borrowed a spanner from work to put the the nut back on this. With the spindle in the soft jaws of my vise, I torqued the nut as per H&W machinery's instructions. Once that was tight to the point prescribed, I used a punch to bend up the locking tab on the washer. A good job done today. A celebration beer is in order.
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Jan 22, Free from chores and the honey do list, I sneak to the shop.
Today I felt like assembling the upper end. I started by removing all the installed parts I previously installed in the feed assy. This will set the theme. I installed the spindle into the quill. Then the quill into the head. Then took the quill out of the head to reinstall the sleeve up at the top. I then replaced the down drive shaft and clock-spring assy. After this I can only explain the progress as walking in sand up hill. Every step I took made me have to go back. I do not know what was up with my head that day, but wow, I was a dullard. Like wandering through thick fog at night I soldiered on stupidly into more assembly. Things were moving along slowly, but forward. Then I got to the bull gear and quill drive sleeve. I stacked it all up, put the grease shield on and dumped the requisite amount of high price grease into the bull gear area. At this point I noticed that the quill was not all that free spinning, so I consulted master Google about my issue. Turns out I should have stayed in bed. I, for some reason, had a washer from the drive sleeve UNDER the grease shield.... meaning take out grease, remove grease shield, remove drive sleeve. I felt deflated. I dont know if my being sick had something to do with this or what, but I felt like a total idiot. I put this right but didn't to many morephotos. I'm hoping to pick up again this weekend with a clearer head.
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Photo is after I got it back together.... grease everywhere.
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This was it for the day. Please ignore that terrible quill down feed handle. It will be remade, just needed one for testing and this is what was around.
I know this may not be the best update of them but it took alot of effort and ego deflation to get to this point. I will continue through this and hope to post more often with cheerier demeanour.
One last photo. RIP Grizzles.
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