The cables are actually ancient. Prolly 20 years old. But I keep them in a cloth zippered bag under my back seat.
Perhaps I've not provided the best info. I'm not really having trouble with the tractor. It only gets used in the fall to plow and the spring to plant. It sits the rest of the time. If I forget to charge it, sometimes the batteries get low. It's my own damn fault. When I bought it, it had a short that the dealer couldn't find. Gave me a deal on it if I could fix it. The short was in the main bulkhead caused by putting a bigger fuse in it than specified. There was also a wiring drawing error in the service manual. I ended up tracing every wire to fix it.
Anyway, my real problem is my truck not my tractor. I use the tractor to jump the truck. When the truck is dead, the tractor posts can't handle it. Neither can the battery posts in the truck. Too much drop on both ends of the cable. I know cuz I measured it.
I can simply charge the tractor when it's a problem. But I need the truck when I need the truck! No time for charging! Bad enough I have to go get the tractor.
The clamps on my cables might look good, but they really are pure junk. Almost impossible to get a good connection. I like the way
@Chicken lights clamps look. They are not the same as what we used in Thompson but WAAAAY better than mine.
I heard back from my brother. They never did figure out anything. In the end, they just left everything running all winter or hauled them into a big heated maintenance shed to work on.
I have it in my mind to make something like I had suggested to my brother if those parrot head clamps of Dave's don't work.