Another big step forward in this project.
I've had this tool setter since I built my CNC router
It's a basically two switches; one for tool length, one for over travel.
I could never figure out how to get it working in UCCNC though. So I figured I'd try setting it up in Masso for the mill.
It could not have been easier.
Printed a block to clamp it in the T-slot. Wired it up to two assignable inputs (there are 20+ such inputs). Assigned one as the tool setter, the other as cycle stop.
Set the parameters for the X, Y location of the tool setter, Z safe height (point in the Z travel where the travel slows to crawl to avoid crashing into the tool setter.
Tried it out and to my amazement it worked the very first time. Did a manual tool change and it worked.
Checked the tool table and the offsets are there.
View attachment 61257