After morning chores were done I escaped to the shop.
Tore the table off and did a bunch of measuring. At first I thought the screw was not parallel so I put a 123 block in the slot and another up against the X axis dovetail. Using an engineers square I could not slide even a .001 feeler gauge in between the blocks.
I ran the table down to the full extent of the positive X axis and put the servo mounting bearing block on so I could spin the screw with a drill.
Ran the table to the full X negative and the put on the mounting block.
Ran it back and forth maybe 20 times and could detect no binding. The ball screw can easily be turned by hand at both ends of the travel.
The only thing I can think of is that the last time I reassembled it, the slots in the mount may have allowed too much droop in the ball screw which made it bind when the mount was near the ball nut and the was no flex possible.
So problem solved I hope.
X travel is 405 mm
Y travel is 180 mm
Z travel is 338 mm