Ultra Member
Oh man! I think you just convinced me of spending more money again dang it. The graphical representation looks very nice.The display when you’re programming bolt circles, linear hole, arcs or plane is just so easy to navigate.
Here you move between the fields using the four arrows just visible on the right side. Below I programmed four holes in a quarter circle on 4” radius. That took 15 seconds or so.
The F1, F2, F3 etc buttons correspond to the data entry fields on the screen or are used to select different values such as which plane on the incline plane program. F2 selects the XY, F3 selects XZ etc.
I just really prefer the graphical layout plus the numbers are nice and easy to read.
The red button in the lower right turns off the display but doesn’t shut off the unit.
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I wonder if freezing temperatures would ruin a lcd display?