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just a gripe about can openers

Ours is good, but instead of putting a 4" crank arm with a free rotating handle on it they put a slick plastic 1 1/2" handle that you have to twist. Forget using wet hands. Style over practicality, what a concept.
Guess the only solution is to assemble a machine shop and then I'll be able to fix stupid.
I bought a manual one that was branded Swing-A-Way from the Fields store in Masset about five years ago.
I was working out of town and forgot to bring a can opener.
It looks like identical to the same opener I bought in 1980 when I set out in the world on my own.
I still have it and it works as good as the new one. My wife a small person has no trouble using it.
We have 2 of the kind above. Works great. We avoid the dipping problem with technique... if you cut until *just about* detached, the lid folds up.... for us. All the3 best!

P.S. I've always wanted one of those side cutting ones like the Starfrit one above. Then I used a friend's and it was... terrible... If I could find one that cuts, I'd buy it,.
I bought a manual one that was branded Swing-A-Way from the Fields store in Masset about five years ago.
I was working out of town and forgot to bring a can opener.
It looks like identical to the same opener I bought in 1980 when I set out in the world on my own.
I still have it and it works as good as the new one. My wife a small person has no trouble using it.
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That's the one I grew up with. Now there are so many knock offs that look similar but that are made like crap. I guess I need to troll yard sales to find one
You guys have electric can openers??!
Wow. Does it get more decadent than that?
I’m a step above the rough concrete, but still can’t find one that works properly.
You could use an angle grinder, surely you have one:)
We got one, it is a Heritage from Cantire.
My wife's hands are crippled with arthritis and this helps open cans pain free. Also good for calling the cat, when he hears it he thinks "food!"
The real price on these is 4-5 thousand USD . Commercial grade openers for commercial and industrial kitchens . This is Amazon vendors fishing for drunk shoppers.
Don't know about Amazon, but on eBay the sellers do that when they're out of stock. Then just lower the price when they get more. Easier than relisting the item.
I read somewhere years ago that those absurdly expensive eBay items were actually storefronts for drug dealers. They agree on a deal via text messages, the auction reference is shared and the $ changes hands, product gets shipped and voila. Money laundered and transaction complete.
Using it as a plan for avoiding re-listing is less conspiracy-esq…