Dan Dubeau
Ultra Member
FWIW - the tool table in PathPilot is the tool length referenced from the spindle nose (positive #). So a small endmill and holder is say 50mm tool length and a large drill chuck and 12mm drill is 180mm tool length. And Pathpilot recommends you to reference the spindle nose before doing any tool length measurements. If there's any files or other stuff that you want I can have a look at them in Pathpilot and make a copy for you to have a look.
That's always been my gripe with how pathpilot works. I don't, and have never set tools that way out in the wild. The only shops that have ever set tools that way have had huge tool storage carousels and automatic setters with probing. I prefer to touch off on the bed of the vise, and adjust my g54 Z to wherever my z0 is for the part i'm machining. In path pilot, you have to make sure that the z value in the tool table is 0, otherwise it will ADD that # to your tool length when you touch off. Such a PITA. In Haas controls you can turn that feature off, but so far I have not found that option in pathpilot. I always have to make sure to zero out my work coordinate Z before bringing new tools to the party. Otherwise, I really like the path pilot control.