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Is Taper Attachment worth it?

TTA arrived. It's a beast! Guessing altogether it weighs 85 pounds!

No problems with UPS....... this time......

The kit replaces the leade screw and cross-slide handle wheel for my cross-slide so that the leade screw anchor is at the rear in the taper attachment at the rear of the saddle instead of at the front of the saddle. So when you dial in some cross-slide movement, it's all relative to the rear taper position instead of the saddle.

Trouble is that the taper attachment was made in China, and it looks it. My lathe was made in Taiwan so I just assumed that the TA would be made in Taiwan too. You know what they say about assume.......

The Castings have voids and there are dings in the ways. There are some machining marks on the taper ways too.

Most of the scales are loose, or bent, or damaged.

The taper adjustment screw system is sticky and jams. The thumb wheel should be 4x the size. Not sure what I'll do with this just yet. I like smooth adjustments so it can't stay like it is.

Some of the damage might be shipping. Lotta big parts loose in the same wooden box.

After I do an inventory, I'll reach out to Grizzly to see what they want to do.

@kevin.decelles - see the photos of the way clamp. It's not good as is either, but I can easily see how to make it much better. BTW, this is not a used part. It's brand spanking new.....


The casting pore on the surface could be machined away but it shouldn't affect function as is. The deliberate broken edge is also an eyesore and the ledge is a mm too wide. I think I'll machine the whole end off and replace it with a piece of screwed on plate to take up the clearance and look better too.


The pin that holds the stay bar is actually too loose and would generate a few thou of backlash in the taper system. I'll prolly make a new pin with a better fit. It's that or redesign the whole way stop

Also in the photo is the bottom clamp that fits under the rear way.

When all assembled and tightened, it doesn't get tight enough to hold anything.


Here is the rest of the TA minus the stay rod.


The large block attaches to the back of the saddle and anchors the end of the new leade screw inside it.

Here is a photo of the taper adjustment knob, screw, and block. Not satisfying at all. Binds, sticks, and jumps. At a minimum it needs a knob 4x as big. But a better block system would be desirable too.


In practice, it is adjusted and then locked down in 3 places with machine screws.

I'd love to be playing with the TA some more, but it's raining and my fur stinks when it gets wet so maybe tomorrow.

Questions and suggestions are welcome.
I have been staring at these pictures for at least 5 minutes....... I have no words. I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but I am not sure if I would be up to that much repair work without a pretty hefty discount.....
I have an new unused one in my tickle trunk that has been bounced from place to place for about ten years in the shop, and it appears to be a little less beat up than that one. Pretty sad, it really wouldn't have taken much more effort and cost in the beginning to make a quality product out of it.....
Everything looks almost identical to mine. I agree with all your assessments but I think your estimate on backlash is too optimistic . I’ll be revisiting mine in a few months and I’ll be rethinking the design with rigidity being priority one.
Everything looks almost identical to mine. I agree with all your assessments but I think your estimate on backlash is too optimistic . I’ll be revisiting mine in a few months and I’ll be rethinking the design with rigidity being priority one.

Could be. I'm thinking about ways to improve it already.

But first I need to talk to Grizzly.
@Susquatch that is the same crappy thing which comes with the C602A modern lathe. All the parts are very similar. I wish I had known it was the same - I'd have sent you mine if you were prepared to rebuild it. I was expecting that dial to somehow set the taper angle. I think an ELS is a much better answer. If I could ever finish my ELS install project - I think it's slipped to project 43.

If you can return yours I will ship you mine for whatever the shipping is. Maybe the pony express is coming to Calgary? @Chicken lights ?
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@Susquatch that is the same crappy thing which comes with the C602A modern lathe. All the parts are very similar. I wish I had known it was the same - I'd have sent you mine if you were prepared to rebuild it. I was expecting that dial to somehow set the taper angle. I think an ELS is a much better answer. If I could ever finish my ELS install project - I think it's slipped to project 43.

If you can return yours I will ship you mine for whatever the shipping is. Maybe the pony express is coming to Calgary?

That's a very kind offer John.

I am planning to talk to them on Tuesday. Since I bought it from the USA, a return might not be possible or at least not financially viable. Let's wait and see what evolves.

FWIW, when I first saw the dial, that's what I thought too. When I look at the crappy system it does use, it screams for something bigger and more precise. Maybe in time it might actually happen.
My voest had a taper atattchment. I used it 2 or 3 times in 20 yrs.
One could take some heavy cold rolled keystock 1"? and make their own ?
My voest had a taper atattchment. I used it 2 or 3 times in 20 yrs.
One could take some heavy cold rolled keystock 1"? and make their own ?

I might still do that. Grizzly has been trying to put the blame on UPS when it is very clearly not UPS's fault. I seem to be caught in the middle.

At first they sent me a shipping label to return it to UPS, but UPS refused to take it. I don't blame them.

Then they tried again a different way. Same outcome.

Now they say they will pay to have it returned to them and after they approve it, they will send me a new one.

With all the run-around, I'm not sure I want to take that chance. They are still trying to blame UPS for something that is clearly their fault. Very little integrity in that. It's their fault, they should admit that, and make me whole.

A part of me wants to keep it as is and just make new parts where needed.

Another part wants my money back.

And the rest of me wants to fight till they do right by me.
The problem is, that even if Grizzly admits its a product defect, and will send you a replacement, how do you know that replacement will be any better? So then it's either get your money back and forget about a TTA, or make one up from scratch, or keep what you have and make the part that you need and have a working TTA.
The problem is, that even if Grizzly admits its a product defect, and will send you a replacement, how do you know that replacement will be any better? So then it's either get your money back and forget about a TTA, or make one up from scratch, or keep what you have and make the part that you need and have a working TTA.

That pretty much sums it up. But given how they jerked UPS around, I have low faith they would even refund me let alone stand up to what they sent me.
It's over. In the end, they asked if I would accept a partial refund, I asked for more, they agreed and credited me that amount.

So now I will begin the required repairs and get on with life. It wasn't the best outcome but I'm good with it. As time passes, I might or might not do more business with them. Time will tell. I'm still digesting the suggestion that I buy a small kit of maintenance wear items for the future while I still can.
Use the refund to buy an ELS and move into the 21st century.

That's funny. I laughed out loud!

I was part of the robotics revolution in automotive manufacturing. I worked extensively on electronic control systems. I even worked on self operated vehicles for a while.

When I retired I abandoned "MOST" of that and deliberately assumed a simpler more manual way of life. That's also why I started farming. I am so much happier for it. It makes the future less scary, the past a warmer fonder memory, and the present more pleasant and enjoyable. I don't begrudge those who want less or more. But I am quite content to stay behind in the century I feel like I was born to live and die in.

It helps that I also love the feedback and feel that I can only experience by manually turning handles.