• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Is Taper Attachment worth it?

Just curious did you throw your arms in the air running in a circle yelling Score?

No. I used some very colorful 4 letter words reserved for use on very special occasions. Not very fond of Grizzly right now.....
No. I used some very colorful 4 letter words reserved for use on very special occasions. Not very fond of Grizzly right now.....
Do you have a good idea of the cause of the score? For me, it's hard to tell from the picture
Do you have a good idea of the cause of the score? For me, it's hard to tell from the picture

Yup. It's the Gib Block (if you can call it that). The left arrow in post 200 points to it. Guessing I can just stone the edge and the source will be gone. Ill take a closer look tomorrow.