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Heat wave ?

The question you have to ask is why did the science become politicized.

(Answer: Adapting was going to hurt someone's bottom line.)
Politicians prefer to deal with people that are easy to manipulate. Between them, and the Media, and of course, most folks not ever actually bothering to learn or research at the very least, the basic ideas, of the science that is being waved at them as a threat, the stupid are VERY easy to manipulate, thus making them target of a political minds offering up a supposed, no matter how far-fetched, solution.

And, Science, as a System, has learned that being right, doesn't get them as far ahead, as being funded does, and people who continue to point out unwelcome truths, don't get funded...

Thus, "The Science is Settled!" LOL! <spit>
A lot of money is also spent on making roads "safer" for cyclists and they don't help pay for that either.
I saw a cyclist moving at likely more than 50km/hr on a bike lane along the Victoria Waterfront yesterday. He had some sort of air horn that he blasted at what looked like tourists trying to figure out where they were supposed to cross the road. Two were kids under 8. When I got to that point I couldn't figure out where to cross either.
I've seen many cyclists going way faster than cars in the downtown core. No speed limits for them. Some without helmets.
I’ve had to slam the brakes a few times from those electric scooters. I would propose that at the speeds achieved on them and the damage they could inflict that they would require insurance. When I take my Arctic Cat out in the bush I have to have it registered and insured and although it has a headlight, brake light, and turn signals I don’t believe I can drive it on the street.
Gas at 1.88 per liter * 4.54 to get Cdn Gal. 25mpg means about $0.34 per mile. Drive 12,000 miles per year is $4097 per year. If we are charged a 12% road tax then $491 of that $4097 is what the gasoline users pay.

Seems fair.

It's not fair and I don't like it. They should pay full price and there needs to a road tax levy too. Especially since they are so heavy.

Not only that, but they get preferential parking treatment in most parking lots. That one REALLY irks me. It's as bad as the guy wearing jogging shorts and running shoes parking in a handicap spot.
Yes but it's a good start. Taxes always go up.:)
I can foresee eventually a mileage based fee from the various Provincial and the Federal Governments.

Because even IF the electric car manages to dig in it's toes and actually succeed in the Marketplace without billions in subsidies, eventually, some noid in an office is gonna crunch the numbers vs. the lost income from taking those people out of the gas buying marketplace.

I see that Ford has essentially quit the electric full size vehicle market for the time being, tired of hemorrhaging money they can't make back in sales. Apparently putting the production in to the fleet and commercial vehicle sectors, that they can actually make money in.
It’s just setting us up for the next thing that will save us all!
We started with gas and all was good, then Diesel was cheap and everyone ran to it till the great price increase, after that it was Propane because it was cheap till the price increased it too much you also couldn’t park In the car parks or ferries without turning off your gas bottle.
Now it seems that you can strap anything to your ass and travel merrily down the road avoiding laws because you are not a motor vehicle I’m thinking a differential using a drill for power, Yes a Mr Toad Special.

A million years ago I rode a 50cc 2-stroke moped - a clunky pedal bike with a motor. Maximum speed of 45kph, mine was the up-engined 1978 model with a ground-pounding 1.6 hp.

And I had to license and insure before I could ride it on the road. Wear a proper motorcycle helmet, have functioning brake lights, headlight, and turn signals.

And to prove my masculinity and lack of fear, for those of you that know Vancouver, I used to ride this to work every morning from Kingsway and Slocan to Brentwood Mall in Burnaby, along Lougheed Highway.

So why don’t current electric scooters and bicycles that often far exceed the speed and hp limits of my moped not require licenses and insurance?

A million years ago I rode a 50cc 2-stroke moped - a clunky pedal bike with a motor. Maximum speed of 45kph, mine was the up-engined 1978 model with a ground-pounding 1.6 hp.

And I had to license and insure before I could ride it on the road. Wear a proper motorcycle helmet, have functioning brake lights, headlight, and turn signals.

And to prove my masculinity and lack of fear, for those of you that know Vancouver, I used to ride this to work every morning from Kingsway and Slocan to Brentwood Mall in Burnaby, along Lougheed Highway.

So why don’t current electric scooters and bicycles that often far exceed the speed and hp limits of my moped not require licenses and insurance?

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That is the million dollar question.
So why don’t current electric scooters and bicycles that often far exceed the speed and hp limits of my moped not require licenses and insurance?
Here in BC there are maximum allowed wattages that e-bike are supposed to be limited to. No doubt similar in other provinces. It's on the books, but in practice, pretty much unenforced.

Lots of tickets being written around Vancouver to guys riding electric unicycles on the streets and sidewalks. $600-ish range.
