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Heat wave ?

Ya I like to remind those guys that the handicap parking is for the physically handicapped not the mentally handicapped.
Dunno man.

Maybe the Doctor that gave then that hang Tag for their Mirror was just making sure the rest of us knew who we were dealing with! :)

On the other side of that, I HAVE heard and read a fair few stories by actual Handicapped people getting theirs back, by willful ignorance or malicious compliance!

Ranging from simply making sure the guy using the space could not actually leave, right on up to making sure that teh guy that was parked there, needs to find, (without help or hints!) where his car is now impounded!
Well, there must be a holiday in BC. They are having a barbecue and the smoke is too thick to go outside. I am 135ft from the county road and I can't see the road.
Well, there must be a holiday in BC. They are having a barbecue and the smoke is too thick to go outside. I am 135ft from the county road and I can't see the road.
Been blessedly free of smoke and ashfall here in Lillooet so far this year. Been a few days with some smoke haze, either from the fire at the mouth of the Stein system, or the one that did a runner between Spences Bridge and Cache Creek.

Dunno if we've been just lucky, or if someone at BC Wildfire finally pulled their heads out of their collective posteriors, but they seem to be jumping on the fires that break out, with a little more of a drive towards actually putting the darn things out, rather than 'managing' them for the entire summer!