One of my favorite sayings is
"Life is the shit that happens between your plans."
My plans were to be a lot farther ahead in my project by this date. The last couple months (and the holidays) were taking a big hit in my life.
This last month, basically bringing the work to a crawl if not a stand still.
Tuesday evening around 7:30 pm my grandmother passed away. She was born in Poland on July 07, 1917. 104 years old.
She was a very independent lady. She lived on her own, did her yard work and garden.... (her way, if I was able to help it was under direct guidance) shopped, and enjoyed her life. My grandfather had passed approx. 22 years ago.
She had a bad case of 104. End of August was the beginning of the small problems. By October it was apparent plans were going to be needed to be made to assist her. November was a case of Norwalk virus (which myself and a few of her care worker aids were lucky to catch) which is a pretty big hit on someone that old. She had also managed to get an infection in one of her legs which required I.V. antibiotics twice a day (8:00am and 8:00 pm)at the emergency department. This required numerous trips. (She lives approx. 100 kms away from me.) End of November she went to the hospital vomiting and not feeling well. She improved a fair bit but was having a hard time talking because they had used a tube to keep her stomach cleared out and could only whisper.
We were called into a meeting in the middle of December to meet with hospital workers and long term care people to figure out what her next step was in her life. In previous discussions with her I told her I would support what ever she wanted. If she wanted to go to a nursing home we could make that happen. Stay home, we could hire staff for 24 hour live in care. Well at the meeting the doctor brought up that she had requested MAID.
She has been telling me for a couple of years now that 100 is too old. She was still walking on her own, doing everything on her own...quality life. But too old.
For those of you that do not know, MAID is medical assistance in dying.
December 21st was agreed on and it was when she wanted to go. She did not want to be lying in a bed unable to move, talk ,use the washroom, etc.
The doctors kind of dropped the ball. Very poor communication with us. The 20th we still didn't know what was happening. Prior to Christmas they told us that one of the doctors involved would be on holidays until January and the date had been changed to the 6th.
Numerous times my grandmother had asked why they were taking so long.
Over the holidays my grandmother had a stroke. She was having a hard time swallowing, unable to speak, (she could understand me and would answer by nodding her head) and basically bed ridden. Sleeping most of the time. This is not what she wanted.

The last couple of days have been hard as you could see the changes daily. This evening I was talking with one of the nurses who was telling me she was sleeping peacefully. Hung up and she called me back within 5 minutes to tell me that she had passed.
She was a very smart woman and knew this was coming. She wanted to go out on her terms. I'm really glad she did not have to wait two more days.
Put a little more into this then I had intended. Just though an update was in order. I'm guessing you gents were enjoying the break from all of my "amatuer" questions.
A friend of mine who heard my quote told me....." if you want to make god laugh.....tell him your plans" .
Good night brothers.