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DavidR8's shop shenanigans

So this morning my wife said to me, “I think we should scale down the house renovation so that we can also build you a new shop. How does that sound?”

Umm sounds like music to my ears?
Now, I have never met your wife, I doubt that I ever will, and I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to change any of that ........ but, is it okay to say that I might love your wife just a little bit?:rolleyes: Lucky bugger you.......:p
To be truthful, when I asked my wife why she'd never suggest I build a bigger shop instead of home renovations she said: "If you want a bigger shop go right ahead. Not up to me to suggest it."
Yes. Must be the water here on the Island.
Guys, it's not the water.
It's the environment you have created by having an equitable and understanding relationship with your S.O.
My wife doesn't care what I spend on my interests and it's not because we have an unlimited supply of cash.
It's because if one of us is passionate about a particular interest, then the other one finds a way to support it because the ultimate goal is to NOT LIVE WITH SOMEONE WHO HATES YOU.
David, take that ball and run with it before she decides to do the quarterback sneak and hire a contractor for the new atrium.
And it’s home. Still in the back of the truck mind you but at least it’s in my possession.
Kinda surprised that my little truck wasn’t squatting down more but it did just great.
I didn’t get the four-jaw chuck because the fellow that alerted me to the machine took the chuck as a trade for another equally nice Grizzly lathe that he donated to the society. I do get the backplate though so just need a 4-jaw chuck to mount on it.
I have the gear cover, brought it home when I picked up the spindle and the unhappy parts :)

Ah yes, I forgot you already have the spindle. I was gunna mention that drop dead gorgeous 3" spindle bore but a missing spindle explains that!
Had to remove the motor to get it to balance front to back. Probably doesn’t help that the head stock is basically empty so there’s nothing to balance the weight of the motor.
I think I’ll build a lifting bracket for when I have to put it on the yet-to-be built stand.