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DavidR8's shop shenanigans

I know you've already bought material but I was thinking that 3/8 would be easier to manipulate than 1/2.

Easy enough to get more material
Great ideas! I feel the need to add information to the discussion. This assembly has 2 bearings press fit into the one end. this requires about .710-.720 thickness at the bearing, as it is a press fit to a shoulder. the bearing thickness is around .600 (@David_R8 ? can you verify?) with around a .100 shoulder to seat the bearing to.

In addition on the one side [marked A], the bearing retaining boss is actually *inside* the pulley for about .200 and the end bar has to be relieved to the diameter of the pulley plus about 3/4" - or all the way to the joint/angle if you prefer. Both the bearing bosses have to be over .700 marked B on the picture. The dimension marked C is the width of the narrow part, and should be the exact measure of the current part for this part to work correctly.

@David_R8 design above was more schematic than dimensional, so it would be better if a dimension drawing of the current part is done. Either David or I can do this, but it would help everyone to be on the same page.

Here's a high resolution [picture of the installed part with the pulleys in place: [edit sorry for the dim markings. this was a quickie using Paint]

Lathe headstock top.JPG
Well crap. My trusty Milmermatic 130 just stopped working

Sounds like a GREAT excuse for an upgrade.......

As David stomps into the house, huffing and puffing, he is heard to mutter.... "GD Frkn Welder just quit after 40 years of hard use. I needed that right now like I needed a hole in the head....." Then he stiffens up a bit, straightens his shoulders, grits his teeth and mutters..... "Oh well, at least it paid for itself a hundred times over. Now I gotta go buy another one! Gunna go research welders to make sure I get one at least as good that will last the rest of my life...."
Sounds like a GREAT excuse for an upgrade.......

As David stomps into the house, huffing and puffing, he is heard to mutter.... GD Frkn Welder just quit after 40 years of hard use. I needed that like I needed a hole in the head..... At least it paid for itself a hundred times over. Now I gotta go buy another one! Gunna go research welders to make sure I get one at least as good that will last the rest of my life....
If I do upgrade it will be a Primeweld machine
Post above edited for minor improvements intended to increase the odds of full spousal support......
Since I have a Primeweld and gave up my MIG to get it, I miss the speed of the MIG compared to TIG but not much because the ease of quality welds far outweighs the speed on all materials.