I am bit flummoxed by how the spindle is supposed to go back together.
The order of the parts: bull gear, spindle pulley, locking collar, sliding gear for feed direction and a spacer.
There are keys under the bull gear and the sliding gear.
Problem is that with all the seals in place I can't get the key for the sliding gear in place because of the the combined width of all the components is exactly the width of the space in the headstock.
This is everything up to where the key for the sliding gear goes.

The only thing I can think to do is pull the inside seal at the outboard side.
So I pulled the seal. Presto I can get everything in place including the keys.
The space between the bull gear and the headstock is where the locking pin rotates. In this pic, the bull gear is hard up against a shoulder on the spindle.

Problem is that when I shift the forward/reverse lever to engage the gears the last spacer intrudes into the space where the seal goes.