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I have had all my shots as soon as I could get them - except the last. I was rejected because I was still recovering from the flu. oops.
Gadzukes thanks for the reminder! I keep forgetting to get updated I'm seriously behind. I really dislike the shots and usually have a fairly strong reaction to them but the sickness is MUCH worse for me. Hopefully your get feeling top notch soon Dabbler.
Gadzukes thanks for the reminder! I keep forgetting to get updated I'm seriously behind. I really dislike the shots and usually have a fairly strong reaction to them but the sickness is MUCH worse for me. Hopefully your get feeling top notch soon Dabbler.

What's the current shot count considered up-to-date?
I would have been 5 and available for 6 in September. Number does not matter, if you have been more than 'n' months, get updated. If you are over 70, and have precursors, ever 5 months. over 65, I think it is 8 months, at last check.
Just now I asked my Pharmacist about the timeline in BC Wasn't difficult, she was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher.
In BC it's 3 to 6 months for COVID Boosters. I'm due on the 25th of October but we'll be away so I'll get mine on around the 1st instead which will be about 5 months.
They are also just now ordering flu shots for this fall so it's a good idea to get that one at the same time.
They are studying why a percentage of the population never had Covid while even living with people who did. There was an article recently discussing this and I did find it interesting. My sister had it several times, staff at work quite a few had it. Yet others working right beside never did.
My observation is that all the people who masked up and got the shot got sick, and then got another shot, and another. Phizer needs the cash.
At one point we got sick and went to be tested, and it was not Covid. So back to laying on the couch til it passed.
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it - for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.
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My observation is that all the people who masked up and got the shot like a good little robot, got sick , and then got another shot, and another.

That's a perfectly legitimate point of view.

My view is different and we can agree to disagree. Many of those vulnerable people I personally knew who didn't get the shot are gone now. I am vulnerable, got the shot, and only got mildly sick.

I don't know why some people never got sick despite exposure. But some people never got the plague, small pox, or dengue fever either. Hopefully I am descended from these people. I believe it's part of evolution, sometimes called natural selection, or survival of the fittest.

By all rights I should be dead by now anyway. Multiple bouts of pneumonia, respiratory compromises, cancer, etc etc. Obviously didn't get the right genes for that. But thanks to medical progress, I'm still here and still kicking. So I'm grateful to be alive during a time when access to such treatments is so widely available so my life isn't totally dependent on who I chose to be my ancestors.
My observation is that all the people who masked up and got the shot got sick, and then got another shot, and another. Phizer needs the cash.
At one point we got sick and went to be tested, and it was not Covid. So back to laying on the couch til it passed.
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it - for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.
My mother was one of the 42 deaths at a nursing home with 200 residents during covid.
A relatively healthy old lady with dementia but no other issues. This was a home for old people, not a hospital filled with people who were suffering from a lot of other illnesses, mostly just old and too physically or mentally feeble to live independently.
Because of a lack of proper isolation of affected residents and the workers treating them, and the workers also not masking or isolating when they were off duty, more than 20 percent of the residents died and more than 50 percent of the staff became ill. This was when vaccinations were first becoming available.
Once the vaccination protocols were in place, the deaths mostly stopped, even though Covid continued for 2 years.
I've been vaccinated 7 times. Never got covid, still not glowing in the dark or dying from cancer, not hanging my car keys from the magnetic chip in my arm, and not bumping into Uncle Bill every time I turn around. There will always be people who never seem to get sick from whatever is going around. Some people get sick even when nothing is going around. There are no absolutes when it comes to health. I'm staying on the science side of the line.
My observation is that all the people who masked up and got the shot got sick, and then got another shot, and another. Phizer needs the cash.
At one point we got sick and went to be tested, and it was not Covid. So back to laying on the couch til it passed.
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it - for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.
masked up and got the shots never got covid, or in fact any other illness since 2019.

meanwhile I know over 20 dead people and at least a dozen people who got covid repeatedly and all of whom have some form of long term consequences other than death. Observations are funny...
masked up and got the shots never got covid, or in fact any other illness since 2019.

meanwhile I know over 20 dead people and at least a dozen people who got covid repeatedly and all of whom have some form of long term consequences other than death. Observations are funny...
personally lost two uncles and one aunt in the first wave to hit Michigan. Lost another aunt in a second wave.

now when people tell me they've gotten covid for the second, third, fourth or fifth time I laugh hysterically and say in my best Ren impersonation "you idiot"
Before this turns into too much of an off limits discussion I thought I'd post a facebook link that shows that if someone wants to they can create any sort of believable fiction. Hopefully the link will play.

For something completely different, You might have wondered how the older style DRO units measured accurate distances using relatively large (10mm) ball bearings in a tube... One of the electronics channels I follow fixed a 20yr old Newall DRO using this system, and he explains it very well. And he's Canadian, too!

Pretty much agree100%. If I were a cat I’d have used up my nine lives a while ago. Also - I just don’t understand the anti-vax side.
My personal opinion is that if the message from the government wasn't of the form 'thou shalt get this shot or else', but was of the form 'we have a limited supply, please get in line', a huge mess could have been avoided. That kind of absolute message can only make things worse - especially for people who have good reasons to make decisions about their personal health that run contrary to the overall public health guidance.

Reasons might include being allergic to the ingrediencies, or taking another medication that is contra-indicated. There are many medicines for serious conditions that affect immune response. Especially newer ones that employ 'biologic' components.

As everyone on this forum should appreciate, the answer to many questions is 'it depends'. And when we can reflect and think about math, physics, chemistry or other science to help with a problem that's great. But medicine doesn't work exactly that way

there is far too much to say, and this is wildly off topic for this forum
It's nice when we can all discuss such a polarized matter politely and respectfully. I like that.

Kudos to everyone.

Now, where do I post the arrival of my optical divider???? It's Christmas in SW Ontario. As I write this @PatrickT is asleep upstairs at the Susquatch Farm after pounding Hwy 401 to death picking up and delivering stuff including my new toy from @TorontoBuilder. They can do their own stories. Mine will have to wait until I've actually looked at it...... LOL!
It's nice when we can all discuss such a polarized matter politely and respectfully. I like that.

Kudos to everyone.

Now, where do I post the arrival of my optical divider???? It's Christmas in SW Ontario. As I write this @PatrickT is asleep upstairs at the Susquatch Farm after pounding Hwy 401 to death picking up and delivering stuff including my new toy from @TorontoBuilder. They can do their own stories. Mine will have to wait until I've actually looked at it...... LOL!

What do you mean "look at it"? It an optical dividererer, does that not mean you can look more ways then just one with it?
Waiting to see too.
As to covid shots, I know I will die one day, not in a hurry for that to happen. So I get the shot, along with few others, and am still here. As am prone to pneumonia, rather not have to deal with it, so a shot for that too.
Each to their own, and the dam stuff seems to keep mutating.
There's currently a resurgence of covid in our area. Cases way up and vaccine in short supply. I've lost a few friends, my BIL was hospitalized for over a month and nearly went blind. I've had all my shots, I even paid to get the shingles vaccine before Medicare started covering it. I'm old enough to remember lining up to get polio vaccine shots, before the oral vaccine on sugar cubes. Whenever I'm getting the latest, I ask the pharmacist "What else ya got?"