Ya I collect em. Pull the driver board when I do. They vary in diameter from about 3-5 inches, may or may not have cooling fans on one or both sides of the shaft and may or may not have a rotary encoder or rpm sensor.
You ever come across the upper control board for a Horizon CT 12.1 (Same as the Livestrong LS12.9T)? I'd be interested in purchasing the upper control board from you or anyone that has one.
I picked up a CT12.1 for free to harvest the motor out of it. This unit is brand new. Only used to hand clothes on....lol. I just could not strip it down.
The visual giveaway on these units is the yellow trim on the upper supports. They also usually have the bigger 2.25 and 3 hp motors in them. (also require a PWM signal to control the motor control board)