Dan Dubeau
Ultra Member
It was a 1968 3500 in pretty good shape asking $6500 for it. While I would have liked something at least a decade newer (mid to late 70's) This one was close (could have drove it home), well kept, great tires, and the price was decent enough that I would have grabbed it. I've convinced myself that there must have been some major engine work needed, and I dodged a bullet by not buying itWhat sort/model of industrial Ford were you looking for? I have an old 4500 that had an extremely abused and hard life and I resurrected, I sure wish I could have owned that tractor brand new as they were built amazingly well and simple. The newer versions (I believe 540's) look even better/nicer yet.

I'll find one. I'm still not "actively" looking, but will jump for the right deal if I find one. I just have to jump sooner next time. I'm hoping to get something like a ford 3000/Massey 135 from the mid-late 70's. My current 1963 Massey 35 is a great tractor, and all I really need/want, but I want something newer with better hydraulics, bigger loader, and a diesel. I don't really NEED an industrial, but I wouldn't turn one down. The problem is, they're usually worked pretty hard, and in rough shape compared to a std farm tractor of the same vintage.