I have been thinking about this for a while. The original post was "So what tools do you own now that you wish you had acquired sooner than you did".....
To give an honest answer, I actually found it a tough question. The new welder is nice, fancy, and way more so than I deserve, given my abilities, but the old buzzbox was satisfying in that I got the jobs done. Moving from a little Atlas drill press to a larger one was great. But I almost always had a drill press. The upgrade, maybe 15 years ago, was great. Occasionally I wish I had a floor model, but not enough to warrant it. Maybe if I got one, that would rank in the top 3.....
Although, like everyone here, I like being able to use something in my shop to do "something", especially something that the average (certainly not this crowd of average) person would have a hard time doing. That comes back to making stuff first, then second, doing a good repair on something.
So, after too much consideration, here is my list I would like to submit for critique.. .

1 Although I have had a metal lathe for years, the new PM1236 gives me much satisfaction and I wish I had traded in the old small one years ago.
2 The DRO on the milling machine is something that, although I do not use it often, wow, is it ever nice to use, so that would be one. After first installing and just trying it out, I instantly wish I had committed funds to it earlier!
3 The last of the 3, that is a recent acquisition, would be a rolling tool chest . I made a "cabinet making rolling bench" 20ish years ago to gear up to make cabinets for a kitchen reno at the time. It doubled as an outfeed table for the tablesaw, and, although it was ugly, it was functional. It became my main workspace in the shop ever since. When I started on the recent airplane rebuild, I decided I needed to consolidate my tools better, and make a space to store the new category of tools that I was getting into. The drawers on the new one allowed that. I put a larger top on it, mounted a small vise at one end (second shop vise, which in itself is nice). The extra storage is an awesome upgrade over the old one. It has a slightly longer surface, albeit not as deep, rolls better, etc. So, currently, everyday, I wish I would have upgraded that old bench sooner.
By far, and for honorable mentions, the most satisfaction comes from tools that I have made, that I use. It ranges from a little machinist hammer (project from blondiehacks and gets used daily) to the 2x72 sander (getting lots of use lately), milling machine power feed (Arduino driven stepper motor), and simple lathe accessory tools like tailstock die holder and tap tool. Maybe cause I made them, or maybe that I made something I needed/wanted, and so having it makes the jobs easier..... but there is something about making stuff that is rewarding ..... usually, (but my wife may not agree.....
To give an honest answer, I actually found it a tough question. The new welder is nice, fancy, and way more so than I deserve, given my abilities, but the old buzzbox was satisfying in that I got the jobs done. Moving from a little Atlas drill press to a larger one was great. But I almost always had a drill press. The upgrade, maybe 15 years ago, was great. Occasionally I wish I had a floor model, but not enough to warrant it. Maybe if I got one, that would rank in the top 3.....

Although, like everyone here, I like being able to use something in my shop to do "something", especially something that the average (certainly not this crowd of average) person would have a hard time doing. That comes back to making stuff first, then second, doing a good repair on something.
So, after too much consideration, here is my list I would like to submit for critique.. .

1 Although I have had a metal lathe for years, the new PM1236 gives me much satisfaction and I wish I had traded in the old small one years ago.
2 The DRO on the milling machine is something that, although I do not use it often, wow, is it ever nice to use, so that would be one. After first installing and just trying it out, I instantly wish I had committed funds to it earlier!
3 The last of the 3, that is a recent acquisition, would be a rolling tool chest . I made a "cabinet making rolling bench" 20ish years ago to gear up to make cabinets for a kitchen reno at the time. It doubled as an outfeed table for the tablesaw, and, although it was ugly, it was functional. It became my main workspace in the shop ever since. When I started on the recent airplane rebuild, I decided I needed to consolidate my tools better, and make a space to store the new category of tools that I was getting into. The drawers on the new one allowed that. I put a larger top on it, mounted a small vise at one end (second shop vise, which in itself is nice). The extra storage is an awesome upgrade over the old one. It has a slightly longer surface, albeit not as deep, rolls better, etc. So, currently, everyday, I wish I would have upgraded that old bench sooner.
By far, and for honorable mentions, the most satisfaction comes from tools that I have made, that I use. It ranges from a little machinist hammer (project from blondiehacks and gets used daily) to the 2x72 sander (getting lots of use lately), milling machine power feed (Arduino driven stepper motor), and simple lathe accessory tools like tailstock die holder and tap tool. Maybe cause I made them, or maybe that I made something I needed/wanted, and so having it makes the jobs easier..... but there is something about making stuff that is rewarding ..... usually, (but my wife may not agree.....