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South Ontario Snow

I use diatomaceous earth to keep all the internal plumbing clean, I believe in the theory, its natural and I do notice a difference when I don't take it. but be warned its terrible tasting stuff.
Hmmm, I'm all in with natural, but,
I think I'm going to stick with the home grown herb- double wrapped in blue berry paper. Tried the Cotton Candy, but found I was gaining too much weight.
When I don't take it, my wife notices the difference!
Hauling Gt's back up the hill is just as, if not more dreadful as an adult as it was when I was a kid. The best part is towing them behind the Sled.

We have a small hill behind the house and a larger one on the back side of the pond. The grandkids all love to tobaggan and the older ones use old skate boards as ski boards. I get all the exercise I want dragging the little ones back up the hill on their kiddi-boggan.
We have a small hill behind the house and a larger one on the back side of the pond. The grandkids all love to tobaggan and the older ones use old skate boards as ski boards. I get all the exercise I want dragging the little ones back up the hill on their kiddi-boggan.
There's a pile of gt's at the top of the hill that live there year round hanging from a low branches on nearby trees. Usually the kids will just ride 4 or 5 of them down, and leave them in a heap at the bottom and come back inside, or ride their foam boards down. Funnily enough there is a 3' concrete sasquatch statue at the top of the hill, and we call it Samsquanch mountain :D.
I use diatomaceous earth to keep all the internal plumbing clean, I believe in the theory, its natural and I do notice a difference when I don't take it. but be warned its terrible tasting stuff.

Its good to kill fungus knats in your herb garden.... LOL

Check your supply line capacity first. I put in a 36kw years ago thinking to run on natural gas. When Saskenergy ran the simulations they said three of my neighbours would lose supply if I started it up. Now I have a 1000 gallon propane tank instead.
I have plenty of supply in my area via a 20 psi distribution network that only reduces pressure at the meter. I also know that when the grid is down most people don't use any gas because they have no power to their furnace. Of course I have no need to generate that much power.

That said, IF I was on rural property without natural gas supply, then I'd be giving serious consideration to a diesel back up generator system of a decent size. Any thoughts on how you can hide a hijacked diesel tanker? :p
I have a 8.5kw gas genny now, but would love to have a big diesel one someday. I had the privilege of storing a 3ph 600v one for a friend many years ago, and got to run my mill from it for a while. I've been on the hunt for one ever since, but don't have deep enough pockets. Someday. I'd love to get rid of all my gasoline equipment and go all diesel purely for the storage stability of fuel. Doesn't matter how I store stuff, it seems I've always got to clean carbs every time I need stuff. Stabil doesn't seem to do anything anymore.
I use diatomaceous earth to keep all the internal plumbing clean, I believe in the theory, its natural and I do notice a difference when I don't take it. but be warned its terrible tasting stuff.

Now thinking back to deling with the little flies, I tried sticky tape first, then diamaceous second.... The ONLY product to kill them for good was Aquabak. It intervenes with the larvae stage of growth on those little basterds.

And for the infamous spidermite... use vapona pest strips for 3 weeks, and that will be the end of them FOR GOOD. Note not suggested on flowering tomato plants.


Oops... I was typing in the wrong forum window..... LOL
I have a 8.5kw gas genny now, but would love to have a big diesel one someday. I had the privilege of storing a 3ph 600v one for a friend many years ago, and got to run my mill from it for a while. I've been on the hunt for one ever since, but don't have deep enough pockets. Someday. I'd love to get rid of all my gasoline equipment and go all diesel purely for the storage stability of fuel. Doesn't matter how I store stuff, it seems I've always got to clean carbs every time I need stuff. Stabil doesn't seem to do anything anymore.

Greensavers went bankrupt in November, and just had all their equipment auctioned off, I really really wanted to buy one of their trailers or trucks with spray foam equipment, not so much for the foam equipment but for the large mobile 3 phase diesel gensets they need to run the spray proportioning equipment. The lack of storage space is killing me

I have a 8.5kw gas genny now, but would love to have a big diesel one someday. I had the privilege of storing a 3ph 600v one for a friend many years ago, and got to run my mill from it for a while. I've been on the hunt for one ever since, but don't have deep enough pockets. Someday. I'd love to get rid of all my gasoline equipment and go all diesel purely for the storage stability of fuel. Doesn't matter how I store stuff, it seems I've always got to clean carbs every time I need stuff. Stabil doesn't seem to do anything anymore.
It’s likely the ethanol in today’s fuel, if you can find ethanol free high octane, that’s your best bet for gasoline
I use premium in my snow blower and small engines that sit. Never use stabil anymore and have no issues with starting. Diesel will grow bacteria if you get any water contamination in the tank, if the fuel sits too long. the bacteria lives in the water and eats the diesel.
If I bought everything I wanted to from industrial auctions I'd be broke, and lose half of everything lol.
It’s likely the ethanol in today’s fuel, if you can find ethanol free high octane, that’s your best bet for gasoline
Yeah, it's 100% the ethanol problem. There used to be a station in Millbrook that sold ethanol free stuff, and that's where I always filled my jerry cans, or tried to anyway. But they stopped years ago, and I haven't found any where since. I try and just fill as I need them, but that's tough to gauge sometimes. I'd rather just go all diesel where I can :D.

I know there are a bunch of additives to deal with this, and other methods of dealing with it, and I really should put more effort into figuring them out instead of just shaking my fist at the clouds and bitching about how things used to be.

According to this site Costco 91 is ethanol free. Might have to try it. Of course they still say the millbrook station has it too, so I don't know how accurate it is anymore. https://www.pure-gas.org/

Edit: checking that site more shows a few stations around me that apparently still have e0 91, I have some investigating to do. I'd thought it was mostly all gone a few years ago.
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I use premium in my snow blower and small engines that sit. Never use stabil anymore and have no issues with starting. Diesel will grow bacteria if you get any water contamination in the tank, if the fuel sits too long. the bacteria lives in the water and eats the diesel.
C98A4A22-2858-40DB-ABE9-CBF7BAD6CF5B.jpegThat’s the best stuff I found for clearing up diesel but I don’t think it’s sold in Canada, if memory serves
Shell 93 use to have 0% ethanol, but I believe the Trudeau government last year mandated that all gasolines sold in Canada would be blended with Ethanol.

Let me know if you have any luck finding % ethanol content in the petrol company's websites.
We feed Diatomaceous Earth to our baby calves, keeps their guts healthy and helps with scours.

I sprinkle it on top of turtle nests so the ants don't eat the eggs.

We also use it around the house foundation to control ants getting into the house.

I'm not eating it. If you read the label from the top looking down it says right there in plain English that it causes ED.

Doesn't seem to affect the turtles or the fish though.
In Ontario, Canadian Tire and Shell Premium gasolines are both ethanol free. I have used these brands religiously in my boat and all small engine equipment for years now.

Regarding nat gas for a generator - just so happens I am in the early process of swapping out my fuel oil system for nat gas. Contractor tells me, protocol is to spec the meter for a furnace, water tank and fireplace, for a total of 200,000 BTU, even if you don't necessarily install all three of these appliances at the beginning. However, if a generator is in the forecast, the meter is spec'd for an additional 300,000 BTU..
I have plenty of supply in my area via a 20 psi distribution network that only reduces pressure at the meter
Back when they did the rural gasification of Saskatchewan I was told that if a farmer wanted a big feeder line for a grain dryer, all he did was ask and the appropriate size trunk line was run to service him. If no farmers in the area expressed an interest then the supply lines were downsized to only supply residential needs. I'm more than a kilometer from a suitable supply line and didn't want to spend the 50k to get it fed over. My Father in law's dying wish was that I took his 1000 gallon propane tank before his dipshit neighbour did. I can go about 5 years between fills at my current usage. My only issue with it was that I had to remove the axles for the last fill as the regulations changed and they are not allowed to fill a mobile tank of that size anymore.
View attachment 30010That’s the best stuff I found for clearing up diesel but I don’t think it’s sold in Canada, if memory serves
Wish I would have known about that stuff 30 yrs ago. First place I always looked when shopping for another used diesel burner ( truck or tractor) was in the fuel tank with a flashlight....man you wouldnt believe the green/blue algae floating in some tanks that held unused stagnant diesel for a couple years. If it has cloudy slime floating in it walk away....you cant carry enough new fuel filters if the ol' girl gets a slurp of that garbage.
If it has cloudy slime floating in it walk away....you cant carry enough new fuel filters if the ol' girl gets a slurp of that garbage.

My neighbour has a neighbour to help out when that happens :oops:.

He is way too fond of old tractors if you ask me.