Lets see, two rolls of paper towel, six rags, half gallon of varsol, half tube of Autosol, 3 pounds of elbow grease and a half cup of spit polish later, and I still need to do the base. There was lots of brass chips around but not much steel, this machine is in really nice shape, it will last me a long long time. That's assuming I have a long long time to go

. I cleaned off a black dust around the pulleys. They must have had the grooves cut and then turned to diameter because the were burrs sharp enough to cut myself on the belt side edges. A quick run with the file smoothed that out so there shouldn't be any more belt dust.
So I've been working on the VFD,
TECO L510-202-H1-U 2HP 230V AC Drive | eMotors Direct, it actually works as I'd hoped. All the instructions are in real english and it was here is four days. I'm using the original contactor to feed the VFD and the original start/stop buttons to feed power to the vfd and the fwd/off/rev switch for control. I'll add the freq control and the tack to the panel as well, pic to follow.
Here's a picture of my Frankenwire test setup, I used 1" brads to extend the vfd connections for the test leads to clip onto.
After I get the lathe in it's final location and the vfd mounted I'll do the wiring to length.