I don't know about you, but I have often wondered to myself "Eric, what would it look like if half a mouse spent a few decades in a lathe cabinet?" Well boys, now I know. It looks a little something like this:
The FUN part is...
...I haven't found the other half yet! Always need something to look forward to. In other news, I went to town today and pulled the ways off the cabinet. I hadn't planned on it, but there was so much crap to clean out that it seemed worthwhile. I found Skittles, Spitz shells, chips, dust, what I think used to be insulation, gum, and a bunch of cigarette butts. Made for an appetizing afternoon.
I also noticed the other day that the plate over my switch says that this is a 3-phase 550 machine with 1.5hp!
Which is funny since the motor (both the switch and the motor are OEM) disagrees.
I also pulled out the Reeves drive sheeves because the middle plate that is supposed to slide back and forth to adjust the drive ratio doesn't want to move. No pictures of that, though. I'm getting closer and closer to the point where I may as well just to a complete tear-down and paint, but I want it running NOW!

I guess this just means I have to buy another lathe to use while I fix up this lathe...