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Huge list of unfinished projects for the new year

Fortunately I don't have a huge list of projects to finish! I failed to complete one project years ago that bothered me so much I vowed never to start one without finishing the other first.

Problem solved :p ;)

You are a very sick man. You need help.

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Wow, ongoing projects eh..... Ignoring farm, smithing work, and other non-shop related projects, this is only my shop and machine improvements ToDo List:

Milling machine
3-way tramming fixture
Power Z
Power X
Quill Stop
Optical center microscope
Cart for optical divider head
Dress wiring
Plastic cardboard table covers
Y axis way covers
Small tools rack
Magnetic indicator mount

Direction lever oil port
Install 3 pH motor and VFD
Install DRO
Repair Royal Precision Center
Toolpost grinder
Compound 360° dial
Lathe stop
Chuck stops
Threading autostop
Toolpost T-Bolt Handle
Parting Plinth
Cut knurler
Taper attachment
Small tools rack
6 or 8 jaw scrolling chuck
Slow manual threading handle
Base for magnetic indicators
Follow Rest - Threaded Axle
Micro Follow Rest
Parting Plinth

Surface Grinder
Pin grinding fixture
CBN wheels
Dressing system
Centering & Balance Arbour
Small tools rack

Other Shop Projects
Flatness Metrology Setup Bigger Surface Plate
Drill bit sharpening fixture
Recycle swarf barrels
ICODeath shop inventory
Band Saw Table
Corrosion evaluation
Noga/Fisso Comparison
Lift for drill press table

I'm absolutely certain I'm forgetting half of my projects. I'll come back and modify this as I remember them.
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My friend Dave is making mock ups of my view camera design to test with cheap wood before I buy some ebony and other hardwoods to make parts from.
Whoa!! You're gonna make a view camera! Very cool. What size? Did you base your design around a Deardorff? I've shot a bunch of large format product shots and landscape with my Linhoff. Sadly it's now relegated to a living room decoration.


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Wow, was not sure you could even get large film anymore. Still got a 4X5, and a 2 3/4 X 3 3/4 I think it is.
Not even going to try listing my projects, not started or unfinished!
I have a question. What answer do you give someone who isn't into the hobby, or mostly people who are not into any hobby, when they ask "What are you going to make with it". When I say "Mostly tools for the machines" they give me a puzzled look. I actually can count on one hand the number of times I have made anything useful other than for the hobby. I'm in a small shop in the city, so I don't have farm equipment or cars to repair.
I like to make tools, especially tools for other hobbies I have. Like leather working tools, and wood engraving tools, etching presses, and a thing called a Baren, made with two disks, a handle and ball bearings for printing wood block prints by hand.

But the number one reason I like hobby machining is that it forces my brain to be active in problem solving. If I made nothing of actual use this activity alone is well worth my investment and time in hobby machining. This is what I tell people, rather than that I made some pot hooks
Wow, was not sure you could even get large film anymore. Still got a 4X5, and a 2 3/4 X 3 3/4 I think it is.
Not even going to try listing my projects, not started or unfinished!
Yes you can still get film, but not nearly as broad a selection as when I studied photography in College.

I'm making 6x17 panoramic cameras that shoot 120 or 220 roll film and create a negative of 6cm x 17cm which is then scanned
Wow, ongoing projects eh..... Ignoring farm, smithing work, and other non-shop related projects, this is only my shop and machine improvements ToDo List:

Milling machine
3-way tramming fixture
Power Z
Power X
Quill Stop
Optical center microscope
Cart for optical divider head
Dress wiring
Plastic cardboard table covers
Y axis way covers
Small tools rack
Magnetic indicator base

Install 3 pH motor and VFD
Install DRO
Toolpost grinder
Lathe stop
Chuck stops
Threading autostop
Toolpost T-Bolt Handle
Parting Plinth
Cut knurler
Taper attachment
Small tools rack
6 or 8 jaw scrolling chuck
Slow manual threading handle

Surface Grinder
Pin grinding fixture
CBN wheels
Dressing system
Centering & Balance Arbour
Small tools rack

Other Shop Projects
Bigger Surface Plate
Drill bit sharpening fixture
Recycle swarf barrels
ICODeath shop inventory
Corrosion evaluation

I'm absolutely certain I'm forgetting half of my projects. I'll come back and modify this as I remember them.
Umm....John, I love ya with all my heart, but... you're gonna kick the bucket before you get through half of that list unless you put it into overdrive; full steam ahead; hell bent for leather; like a bat outta hell; fast and furious; damn the torpedos!!
Wow, ongoing projects eh..... Ignoring farm, smithing work, and other non-shop related projects, this is only my shop and machine improvements ToDo List:

Milling machine
3-way tramming fixture
Power Z
Power X
Quill Stop
Y axis way covers
Magnetic indicator base
Okay so add these tasks to my todo list x2 since I have the bridgeport and jackson mill.

The bridgeport has the power Z but it needs adjusting. I have the power feed for the jackson mill, so once it is getting reassembled it can go on.

Install 3 pH motor and VFD
Install DRO
Toolpost grinder
Lathe stop
Chuck stops
Threading autostop
Toolpost T-Bolt Handle
Parting Plinth
Cut knurler
Taper attachment
Small tools rack
6 or 8 jaw scrolling chuck
Slow manual threading handle
How the hell haven't you got the DRO on the lathe at least, want me to do it for you? Ditto the 3ph motor and VFD.

Surface Grinder
Pin grinding fixture
CBN wheels
Dressing system
Centering & Balance Arbour
Small tools rack
What do you mean by "Pin grinding fixture" is that like a punch grinder?

Other Shop Projects
Bigger Surface Plate
Drill bit sharpening fixture
Recycle swarf barrels
ICODeath shop inventory
Corrosion evaluation
I need to add ICODeath inventory update to my list

Vevor can solve your second item...

Do you have swarf separated by type? Do you have a hydraulic press? If you make aluminum pucks I'll convert to ingots ditto other non-ferrous metals

Yah know several of the above tasks can be group build alongs to give people the kick in the pants that they need.

I'd love to participate in group builds for any of the following:

Magnetic indicator base
Toolpost grinder
3-way tramming fixture
Parting Plinth
or a Threading autostop or auto-retracting threading tool holder like @MrWhoopee has designed. I'm not sure how much he'd like that though because he sells these.

How the hell haven't you got the DRO on the lathe at least, want me to do it for you? Ditto the 3ph motor and VFD.

Ya, it's embarrassing. But it isn't a race. It's a labour of love. And ever since my stroke, my wife won't let me spend as much time alone as I'd like. But my best excuse is that I'm so busy doing things on my lathe that I don't have time to stop doing that stuff so I can install the DRO and motor/vfd. Also, I want to do all three at the same time.

What do you mean by "Pin grinding fixture" is that like a punch grinder?

In my smithing work, I always have a need for indicator rods and precision pins. So what I want is sort of like a cylindrical grinder but for small rods and pins with high precision diameters plus/minus 0.5 tenths of a thou. Think of it a bit like making a bunch of really long gauge pins.

Vevor can solve your second item...

I'm hoping that is true. I'm waiting for your report after using it. I have sharpened a few drills with the Drill Doctor, and I'm not happy with it. But it's better than my bare hands.

Do you have swarf separated by type?

Yes, I keep all my swarf separated by type in big garbage cans. When I get enough, I take it to the scrap yard.

Do you have a hydraulic press? If you make aluminum pucks I'll convert to ingots ditto other non-ferrous metals

Yes, I have a 20 ton press. I've always wanted to pour ingots, but that would require a kiln and its trappings. I've sort of kissed that idea goodbye. At my point in life, and with my priorities, I'll never get to it.

Yah know several of the above tasks can be group build alongs to give people the kick in the pants that they need.

I don't really need a kick in the pants. It's really all about priorities. I'm plenty busy enough to keep me happy. I pick my priorities based on the needs of the moment and the way I feel at that moment. I don't watch TV or YouTube. But yet I am always busy. Perhaps the most relaxing thing I do is follow the forum. But even that I usually do while I'm waiting for something else, or when I'm in bed (like right now), or on the long drive to Windsor or London and back for those times when my wife does the driving.

I usually go to my shop to do something that needs to be done. I don't normally use a list to guide what I do. I just do what needs doing at that moment or whatever hits me in the face.

For example, today I was looking at how to disassemble a live centre I have that has a brinelled bearing in it, I was also evaluating the hardness of the R8 shank I have to machine for my microscopic center. My mother passed away on Christmas Eve so I didn't have time for much shop stuff. Those were the things I chose to work on.

I'd love to participate in group builds for any of the following:

Magnetic indicator base
Toolpost grinder
3-way tramming fixture
Parting Plinth

The indicator base is really a thick steel plate screwed to my headstock behind the spindle. Its there to provide a strong convenient spot to stick a magnetic indicator base.

The toolpost grinder is a work in progress. I have a thread on that project.

The 3-way tramming fixture also has a thread on it. It's a system I'm working on to do both nod and tilt simultaneously. I've already built the reference surface for the table. It has three identical steel bases that sit on the mill table. I used the surface grinder to make them all the same. I also acquired and polished a brake disk rotor that sits on the bases to provide the reference surface. Now I need to make the indicator system that attaches to the mill spindle.

Last but not least is the parting plinth. That is something that only exist in my head right now. When I start working on it, I'll probably start a thread to document it and help others.

or a Threading autostop or auto-retracting threading tool holder like @MrWhoopee has designed. I'm not sure how much he'd like that though because he sells these.

I don't have an existing thread on this project yet. Mine is a modification of his. In my opinion, his doesn't retract enough. I plan to look at his Gen 2 device to see if I can improve on it. My days of patenting things, or producing and selling things are over. He would be welcome to any improvement ideas I might have.