Not all parts are completely dissassembled but I'm wondering at this point if that will really be necessary.
I'm kind'a with the "continue the tear down crowd" gonna have a rotary table that is the envy of every person in that crowd when your done.
Well, maybe not quite a rotary table, but every bit as useful and every bit as envied!
I still think that he should scrap it at SSSS (Susquatch Scrap Sales Solutions) . Especially now that all the dissimilar metals have been separated out...... (Insert evil grin here.......)
I think its going to be a long time before it's "the envy of every person in the crowd".
I like his determinationFor those interested I have a son with learning difficulties that can remove any bolt. Just to be clear I said way or his shop teach found out on a brand new engine he was building.......
BTW righty tighty and left loosy has no mean he keeps turning till it comes off.
For those interested I have a son with learning difficulties that can remove any bolt. Just to be clear I said way or his shop teach found out on a brand new engine he was building.......
BTW righty tighty and left loosy has no mean he keeps turning till it comes off.
It's not even back together yet and it's already the envy of at least one person in the crowd! And I'd bet quite a few others feel the same way I do......![]()
I'll trade you my DH for your surface grinder!![]()
I'm having a @#&! of a time with the worm gear assembly on my DH. Some time ago I thought I had freed up all the axis of rotation. I was wrong! The worm gear assembly should rotate as a whole (which it does) but the worm gear should also rotate inside the assembly on a couple of brass bushings (which it doesn't). I have to take the assembly apart. As far as I can tell in order to do this I have to remove a taper pin first. However the back side of this pin is not easily accessible because it faces the worm gear shaft. The pin extends slightly out into a slot in the brass bushing. I managed to push the pin out a mm or 2 till flush with the inner bore but that was not enough to free it entirely. The pin does not stick out enough on the outer surface for me to grab onto it and pull it the rest of the way. Any suggestions on how to solve this problem???
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