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DavidR8's shop shenanigans

Need any rear hub parts?
Need any rear hub parts?
Hey thanks!
Not sure yet... pick it up on Sunday :)
We need a "Resident" pass that identifies those of us who live on the island and puts us at the front of the line. The ferries are our highway, nobody else in province needs to make a reservation to travel anywhere. Could you imagine the whining if Vancouverites had to reserve and pay for a spot on the road to Whistler or Chilliwack, OMG the mayhem that would cause.
End of rant (for now) and yes I'm whining.

The real question is will you be able to come back...
He should be okay, it's not a long weekend.
When I visited I chose to walk n partly because of the lines. - When returning, @David_R8 got me to the ferry about 50 minutes early - and they let me walk on to the ferry that was still loading... Threr were at least 100 cars that didn't get on. So I got home an hour early.
We need a "Resident" pass that identifies those of us who live on the island and puts us at the front of the line. The ferries are our highway, nobody else in province needs to make a reservation to travel anywhere. Could you imagine the whining if Vancouverites had to reserve and pay for a spot on the road to Whistler or Chilliwack, OMG the mayhem that would cause.
End of rant (for now) and yes I'm whining.

I sympathize with your feelings, but not so sure you would really like the results. The Ferry to Manitoulin Island in Ontario tried such a scheme. It backfired. As I recall, it turned out that only 1 in 10 passengers was a permanent resident of the island. The rest are either seasonal or temporary tourists. Given that the island is very heavily dependant on tourists, the backlash was unbearable.

It also turned out that the ferry was heavily subsidized by Ontario Tax Payers. When the subsidy and the tourism dollars were taken out of the equation, the ferry was unsustainable. Nobody wins that game.

Today, anyone can make a reservation on a first come first served basis up to a large percent of the capacity, and the rest of the boat is filled from the line-up. Regular users can buy a seasonal pass for a reduced rate but not priority loading.

Walk-on is a very popular passage. Some folks even have a car of their own at both ends. Bicycles and motorcycles are also given front of the line priority.

I believe the same rules apply to the Pelee Island Ferry also in Ontario.

As always, be careful what you ask for lest you get it!
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Well my ferry luck ran out.
At the terminal at 12:40.
Getting on the 5 pm sailing.
This is only the second time I’ve had to wait for a ferry.
The last time was in 2003 after having driven from Edmonton we missed our reservation window by 15 minutes so had to take the next sailing.
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