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DavidR8's shop shenanigans

Of course! Linda is busy knitting a wedding blanket while watch.
I have my laptop and during commercials do sneakernet with the MicroSD card.
Or CAD work. Or control the 3D printer.
Occasionally I even know what's happening on the TV program.
I hate TV. I remember getting satelite cuz they promised no more ads. That lasted till the local broadcasters went broke. Today the shows are only 20% of the air time. The rest is all ads.

Same as YouTube, except on YouTube the shills themselves do half the ads.

Sad really.

No tv, no movies, no YouTube for me.
I hate TV. I remember getting satelite cuz they promised no more ads. That lasted till the local broadcasters went broke. Today the shows are only 20% of the air time. The rest is all ads.

Same as YouTube, except on YouTube the shills themselves do half the ads.

Sad really.

No tv, no movies, no YouTube for me.
It's too bad you feel this way as there is a metric tonne of excellent content out there.
We pay for Netflix etc so no ads and I pay for YT premium so no ads there.
As for creators shilling products I just fast forward through that bit. I disagree with the ratio of folks with product sponsored videos. Out of the 200 channels I'm subscribed to, only one has regular product sponsorship.
We went a long time with no tv programming, then we got prime when we got starlink a few years back. And have added paramount plus for all the yellowstone/spinoffs. Now we're into a whole bunch of other shows, and usually get an episode or two a night after the kids go to bed. She knits, while I sit and surf on the laptop either youtube, forums, or designing something. There's a limit to how much time I want to spend in the shop, or doing productive things. After working for 10-12 hours a day, it's sometimes very little.....sometimes it's nice to let you brain wander off into another world.

I just looked up Annika, and it sounds promising, I'll add it to the list. We just finished "the boys", which was better than I thought it would be, and she found another star trek series we missed so we're back on the Trekkie kick again after months of binging all the series and movies from the past decade lol. We went a very long time, where we never really watched anything, so there's a few good series that we've binge watched over the past 2 years to catch up.

She's always watching something while she knits, and she knits a lot......
WelI I went and bought another lathe.
A fully kitted out Taig
Variable speed motor
Power feed
Milling attachment
Fly cutter
Slitting saw
4 jaw chuck independent
4 jaw chuck self centering
3 jaw chuck self centering
Tailstock drilling chuck
Tailstock die holder
Needle bearing live centre
Spur centre for wood turning
Steady rest Tool Rest for wood turning
Riser blocks
Miscellaneous tool bits

My other Taig will be going up for sale.

(crappy photo from the ad)
Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15-02-27 Marketplace – Taig Micro lathe Facebook.png
I just went through all the boxes of stuff with the Taig and discovered that I also got the compound slide which is a real bonus as without it there's no way to cut a taper.