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DavidR8's shop shenanigans

Here's the python code for creating the gear. I'm sure if you go into the Alibre Help forum there will be information for more or different kinds of gears.

# Gear Generator Script
# Used as a demonstration of how to create a custom utility
# for use with Alibre Design

Units.Current = UnitTypes.Millimeters

# default settings
NumberofTeeth = 20
PitchDiameter = 30
PressureAngle = 20
Thickness = 3

Win = Windows()

ScriptName = 'Gear Generator'

# create dialog window and show to user
Options = []
Options.append([None, WindowsInputTypes.Image, 'GearGenerator.png', 170])
Options.append(['Number of Teeth', WindowsInputTypes.Integer, NumberofTeeth])
Options.append(['Pitch Diameter (mm)', WindowsInputTypes.Real, PitchDiameter])
Options.append(['Pressure Angle', WindowsInputTypes.Real, PressureAngle])
Options.append(['Thickness (mm)', WindowsInputTypes.Real, Thickness])
Values = Win.OptionsDialog(ScriptName, Options, 170)
if Values == None:

print "Working..."

# get user inputs
NumberofTeeth = Values[1]
PitchDiameter = Values[2]
PressureAngle = Values[3]
Thickness = Values[4]

# get current part
MyPart = CurrentPart()

# get the plane to create the gear on
GearPlane = MyPart.XYPlane

# create the sketch then extrude it
ProfileSketch = MyPart.AddGearNP("Profile", NumberofTeeth, PitchDiameter, PressureAngle, 0, 0, False, GearPlane)
Gear = MyPart.AddExtrudeBoss("Gear", ProfileSketch, Thickness, False)

print "Done"
Unfortunately Atom3D doesn't like snakes. :D
Oh that is so cool. I have always shied away from trying to design theses because I can't wrap my brain around the math.
I find Gridfinity has pretty a limited use case but for organizing small things in drawers,, like endmills or drill bits, it's great.
The longest bin I can print on my printer is 5 units but I just print a couple of them and crazy glue the ends together. then I cut out the glued walls and I have a 10 unit long bin, perfect for storing small diameter bar stock, which, by the way , is readily available if you tear apart some used laser printer toner cartridges.
I find Gridfinity has pretty a limited use case but for organizing small things in drawers,, like endmills or drill bits, it's great.
The longest bin I can print on my printer is 5 units but I just print a couple of them and crazy glue the ends together. then I cut out the glued walls and I have a 10 unit long bin, perfect for storing small diameter bar stock, which, by the way , is readily available if you tear apart some used laser printer toner cartridges.
I'm looking at my endmills, drills, reamers, inserts as the first victims :)
That’s really good just a light ream then, I’ll try my gear generator and maybe try making one I’ve never tried making a gear before.