• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Calgary & area meet up Spring 2024.

Making plans now but will miss the meeting . July 2-16 in Calgary . Flying out to Great Falls Montana and driving up to Calgary to the son's place . Driving back down to Cheyenne Wyoming for another week or two .
If time isn't an issue- instead of running I90 south, jog over to Cody and down to Thermopolis. You're an hour from Cody to the park and there's supposed to be a great museum in Cody. I came up from the south by Rock Springs to get to Thermopolis then Cody, stunning drive
If time isn't an issue- instead of running I90 south, jog over to Cody and down to Thermopolis. You're an hour from Cody to the park and there's supposed to be a great museum in Cody. I came up from the south by Rock Springs to get to Thermopolis then Cody, stunning drive

Cody, WY has a great brewfest, if you're into craft beer. Sounds like it's July 20 this year. https://www.yellowstonebeerfest.com/
Been to Cody a few times in the past !
I get a heading top of the page RSVP Here for invitation and location , doesn't work for me ?

Hi - one week to go for the meet up in Calgary. I have @molyknow (Alex) and myself doing some talks and demo. 3D printing, and Fusion getting started. Our host Rudy is demoing multi start threading and dividing head use. @phaxtris (Ryan) and @Crosche (Chad) are helping as well with food and supplies. We have a door prize raffle as well organized by @molyknow (Alex). If you would like to contribute to door prize raffles please coordinate with @molyknow. Have I missed anyone?

There will also be a little present for everyone attending.

Would anyone else like to volunteer to do something? If you want to present some topic we will have a TV - bring your gear to connect. There will be an HDMI cable.

We don't need any donations or funding - it's pretty much all covered.

Please bring anything you would like to demo, sell, swap, donate, etc.

I'll be showing/selling paint mixers and also @a_smile (Sun) has sent me a box of his new lathe chuck keys with inter-changable tips. I'll have some of those for sale.

This is a dry event. Bring your own safety gear as you deem appropriate. You are responsible for your safety. Please don't use Rudy's equipment.

Final comment - controversial topics are to be avoided. There are lots of places to debate those topics - the forum is NOT one of them.

Draft Agenda. I will be updating this as we go.

10:00 AM - Organizers show up
10:30 AM
- Member start time - Sign in. Consent to photos (or not). Fill in your name tag. Get your present.
- Set up tables anyone can showcase, sell, swap, donate etc. Have a refreshment.
- Rudy will be demoing multi start and metric single point threading during the event. Also he will be showing his dividing head with direct, indirect & differential dividing.

11:00 AM - to 11:30. John. Fusion - getting going. PRNDL. 20 minutes and then questions.
11:30 AM - to 12ish. Alex @molyknow 3D printing.
12:00 PM - BBQ lunch.
12:30 PM to 2:00 tables, socializing.
1:00. PM Alex will draw for door prizes.
2:00 PM Help clean up. Thank Rudy for hosting. Go home.

Remember you need to RSVP, in advance!, to get an invite and the address!

RSVP here:
Last edited:
Hi - one week to go for the meet up in Calgary. I have @molyknow (Alex) and myself doing some talks and demo. 3D printing, and Fusion getting started. Our host Rudy is demoing multi start threading and dividing head use. @phaxtris (Ryan) and @Crosche (Chad) are helping as well with food and supplies. We have a door prize raffle as well organized by - a volunteer. If you would like to contribute to door prize raffles please coordinate with. Have I missed anyone?

HELP -> someone volunteered to organize the door prizes - I'm sorry who was that again? I've had a lot of mail on the meetup topic and I can't find the threads on that one.

There will also be a little present for everyone attending.

Would anyone else like to volunteer to do something? If you want to present some topic we will have a TV - bring your gear to connect. There will be an HDMI cable.

We don't need any donations or funding - it's pretty much all covered.

Please bring anything you would like to demo, sell, swap, donate, etc.

I'll be showing/selling paint mixers and also @a_smile (Sun) has sent me a box of his new lathe chuck keys with inter-changable tips. I'll have some of those for sale.

Final comment - controversial topics are to be avoided. There are lots of places to debate those topics - the forum is NOT one of them.
Hey John - I can organize the door prizes.

If any members have items they would like to donate for the door prizes, please send me a direct message so we can try and have the lots organized prior to the event.
Hi - one week to go for the meet up in Calgary. I have @molyknow (Alex) and myself doing some talks and demo. 3D printing, and Fusion getting started. Our host Rudy is demoing multi start threading and dividing head use. @phaxtris (Ryan) and @Crosche (Chad) are helping as well with food and supplies. We have a door prize raffle as well organized by @molyknow (Alex). If you would like to contribute to door prize raffles please coordinate with @molyknow. Have I missed anyone?

There will also be a little present for everyone attending.

Would anyone else like to volunteer to do something? If you want to present some topic we will have a TV - bring your gear to connect. There will be an HDMI cable.

We don't need any donations or funding - it's pretty much all covered.

Please bring anything you would like to demo, sell, swap, donate, etc.

I'll be showing/selling paint mixers and also @a_smile (Sun) has sent me a box of his new lathe chuck keys with inter-changable tips. I'll have some of those for sale.

This is a dry event. Bring your own safety gear as you deem appropriate. You are responsible for your safety. Please don't use Rudy's equipment.

Final comment - controversial topics are to be avoided. There are lots of places to debate those topics - the forum is NOT one of them.

Draft Agenda. I will be updating this as we go.

10:00 AM - Organizers show up
10:30 AM
- Member start time - Sign in. Consent to photos (or not). Fill in your name tag. Get your present.
- Set up tables anyone can showcase, sell, swap, donate etc. Have a refreshment.
- Rudy will be demoing multi start and metric single point threading during the event. Also he will be showing his dividing head with direct, indirect & differential dividing.

11:00 AM - to 11:30. John. Fusion - getting going. PRNDL. 20 minutes and then questions.
11:30 AM - to 12ish. Alex @molyknow 3D printing.
12:00 PM - BBQ lunch.
12:30 PM to 2:00 tables, socializing.
1:00. PM Alex will draw for door prizes.
2:00 PM Help clean up. Thank Rudy for hosting. Go home.

Remember you need to RSVP, in advance!, to get an invite and the address!
I am a new member, and would like to attend. Please send me the invite, and address. Ed L ....... email edl.taishi@shaw.ca, 403 819 4884
I am a new member, and would like to attend. Please send me the invite, and address. Ed L ....... email edl.taishi@shaw.ca, 403 819 4884
Hi Ed - please rsvp here
I have had a few questions about donating to the forum with cash. Cash is actually not easy for us to manage - the easiest way and our preferred way to support the forum is to join as a premium member. You can choose $5/month or $60/year and some other options too. Link at the top of the forum. Or you can make a one time donation here as well with paypal or with your credit card. Subscribe to forum link.

Pretty much the same as many others have said in the "many thanks" department. I was very happy for the idea, the immaculate shop, the seminars, free lunch and gifts, and a great opportunity to fraternize. It was nice to meet so many fellow hobby machinists (and some that seemed very professional). I wish I could have been in more places at one time but I got to take in the good Fusion, scanner and industrial 3D printing seminars. Great to see these live, and have questions answered -- much different than YouTube!! Unfortunately the seminars I saw were at the expense of missing out on the dividing head seminar, and other off-the-cuff discussions filled with gold. I didn't know I should disassemble/clean my 3-jaw scroll chuck on a timely basis, but I know now. It seemed everyone in the group was there just to share stories and knowledge. I hope we have another get-together soon -- can I RSVP yet? Cheers, al.
Thanks all for contributing to a great event. Too many to list - so I won’t bother as I am sure I’ll forget someone.

Unfortunately I did not get to show the dividing head as I (we all) got severely sidetracked…

If there is demand, I can leave it set-up for a bit and demonstrate it on an individual / small group basis. Just PM me and we can arrange something.

Here are the poster board notes of the multi start threading and the dividing head demo’s.

