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BaitMaster’s (Work) Bench

I've had more trouble with 10x22 lathe parting off than I think I did with my Atlas 618. I think the culprit has been torque power. On my Atlas 618 it had a bull gear and it had reasonable torque. On my 10x22 it has variable speed DC motor and I can slow it down to 50 rpm which is nice but it doesn't have much torque at that speed and then it stall and all hell breaks loose.
with carbide I part off at 300+ rpm. Slower is not better. I have a 1022 with DC treadmill motor. The thing that does inserts in is grabbing and then the part reverses a tiny bit. Bingo goes the tip. A 1" diameter 12l14 or other CR (non-alloy) parts at +300 RPM. Push cutter in and keep feeding.

The 1022 carriage likes to raise up as well, have to lock it for results. All bets are off if you still have the compund installed.