I have a 12 x 36 gear head lathe, similar to a Grizzly G4003, uses many of the same parts.
The main power electrical contractor keeps tripping when I start the lathe with the control lever in forward or reverse. I have repeatedly tried electrical contact cleaner and blown out the component with compressed air but the contractor keeps tripping. If I hold the electrical contractor pop up button down while switching the machine on the lathe will run. There are three of these contractors in the lathe electrical cabinet, main switch power, forward and reverse. Only the main power contractor is acting up.
Grizzly lists this part as #53 (see attached catalog screenshot) in their online catalogue but this part is currently not in stock.
I have also sprayed electric motor cleaner into the motor and blown it out as well.
Any suggestions on why this unit is tripping, servicing this contractor or where I can purchase a replacement unit?

The main power electrical contractor keeps tripping when I start the lathe with the control lever in forward or reverse. I have repeatedly tried electrical contact cleaner and blown out the component with compressed air but the contractor keeps tripping. If I hold the electrical contractor pop up button down while switching the machine on the lathe will run. There are three of these contractors in the lathe electrical cabinet, main switch power, forward and reverse. Only the main power contractor is acting up.
Grizzly lists this part as #53 (see attached catalog screenshot) in their online catalogue but this part is currently not in stock.
I have also sprayed electric motor cleaner into the motor and blown it out as well.
Any suggestions on why this unit is tripping, servicing this contractor or where I can purchase a replacement unit?