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12 x 36 gearhead lathe

Left fuse removed, carriage in neutral, start button not depressed 0.4 Ohms.

Same as above but start button is depressed
0.4 Ohms
Ok. Now we can test between wire #2, and wire #3.

#2 is on one of the terminals of fuse # 1, and wire # 3 is one of the wires on the contactor you were testing before.

Please make sure your red e-stop button is pulled OUT all the way when performing this test.
Between the left fuse #2 wire and controller #3 wire reads 0.5 Ohms with E Stop fully pulled out

Same as above BUT E-Stop pushed in reads 1 on Ohms scale
Ok. Now we are going to measure from wire #2 to wire #6.

6 is on the A1 of the contactor you replaced. 2 is the one on the fuse.

For this test please make sure:

-E-Stop is pulled out
- Carriage switch is in Neutral/off
- the “power start” button is HELD IN PRESSED.

Let me know what you find.
A2 contractor and 0 on the transformer, carriage in neutral, left fuse removed, start button pressed reads 1, also reads 1 when start button NOT pressed

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The contacts on the bottom of the transformer also have two 0 terminals, connected to A2 start button depressed, reads 0.3
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I'd like to say thanks too. Frankly I don't like electrical, my dad was an electronics engineer and his dream in life was to fill my little brain with all his knowledge. Didn't work. There are times when I wish some of it stuck but oh well. Ironically later in his life the roles were reversed and I taught him to fly, but dammed if he could do a spiral dive, the one lesson in my opinion that has to be right, get it wrong and you die.
If it's all right with you I might reach out to you at some point, little gremlin in the surface grinder.
I am so grateful to Bait Master for his generous support walking through the diagnostics to resolve the electrical fault with my lathe.
I would never have figured this out on my own, plus recommending the source for a new transformer has saved me big money from what Grizzly is asking for a new transformer.
I am looking forward to getting the lathe running again.
Thanks again Bait Master!
We all have our strengths. And weaknesses. The forum here is a good place, and I ask questions and get answers as well. Metalworking is an expensive little hobby…… hard enough to get into and stay in. Really it’s no problem fellas.

I’m sure it will all work out in the wash.