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Woo hoo! It's a cold snap!

Wife has gone to work, and as long as I remember to bring toilet paper upstairs, I have the whole day to piss around in the shop, and nobody is going to say anything. :D
Just looking at this mess reminds me of the question " how does one eat an elephant?"...... I know that the answer is, one bite at a time, but if one starts with the trunk you run the risk of having to finish with the a$$.....
No wonder I get nothing done down here some days...... Maybe I should just take a nap. :rolleyes:
Proper napping is an art form. Just use the regular blanket good for about an hour, or dig out the comfy cover and zonk out for three hours? Couch and end up with a stiff neck, or use the bed but wake up not knowing the current decade? Always big decisions to be made.
I have a nap every day. I like my nap. My dogs like when i have a nap, they also have one. One thing around here is that since my wife passed on, i have nobody to give orders in the house. Keep the dogs food and water dish filled and we are good.
Yes it is also damn cold here.
I am my own worst enemy around here, my wife asks very little of me for the most part, the dogs however, are very demanding of my free time. Our youngest has just learned to fetch and has decided that she likes that game. :D
I'm sorry to hear of your loss, I know that without my wife, things would go to hell in a handbasket in pretty short order. Speaking of which, I think mine asked me to do something today....... Pretty sure that it was just one thing....:rolleyes:
Proper napping is an art form. Just use the regular blanket good for about an hour, or dig out the comfy cover and zonk out for three hours? Couch and end up with a stiff neck, or use the bed but wake up not knowing the current decade? Always big decisions to be made.
3 hours is not a nap. It's a sleep. A short one maybe, but not a nap.
As a marginal insomniac for the last 40+ yrs, 3 hours is quite often a good sleep.
The best naps are called nappucinos. Slam a double espresso and lie down right away.
Grab your favourite blankie or kitty or puppy and down you go.
When the caffeine kicks in 15 minutes later, you're good to go.
Come to think of it, the afternoon double espressos may explain the insomnia.
I probably should have taken a nap...... Probably would have gotten more done in my sleep. :rolleyes:
I did manage to get things a little bit cleaner, before making another mess.
I envy those of you, (probably just about all of you) that can envision your ideas and put them to paper before diving in. I'm a little more visual...... make a piece, then set it up where it wants to be then take a T.M.S. while engineering the next move. It's kind of like playing chess..... It's very important during this time that the most difficult path is identified then followed to it's dismissal end....:eek::rolleyes:
Wife has gone to work, and as long as I remember to bring toilet paper upstairs, I have the whole day to piss around in the shop, and nobody is going to say anything. :D
Just looking at this mess reminds me of the question " how does one eat an elephant?"...... I know that the answer is, one bite at a time, but if one starts with the trunk you run the risk of having to finish with the a$$.....
No wonder I get nothing done down here some days...... Maybe I should just take a nap. :rolleyes:
Pleasant dreams!;)
8 hours , right through. I did that once, but I don't remember when. But then again there is a lot I don't remember.

A windy -6 and sunny, something is wrong here.
Best short naps are done sitting up on the couch, with the TV on. When anyone tries to change the channel, immediately wake up with a loud <snorkkk> sound, and say “hey, I’m watching that!”