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Woo hoo! It's a cold snap!

My fun yesterday in the frickken cold involved dragging in twin calves that were 10-14 days early. Had to bring in extra heat to the calving room. Mom was not happy with all the cats that gathered under the heat. A little boy and a girl, there will be some short ears for sure.
Small consolation I am sure, but, at least you weren't bored....:p
My hat is off to you for braving the elements in an industry where the "wealth" is in the quality of life. Farming isn't for the faint of heart.
EEA36B8D-3D61-4327-81DB-EF0E1D683AC9.jpegPlaying in the hills today, nothing like the Rockies but it always feels eerie to me when the landscape is murky. Not really a bad omen but maybe turn down the radio and pay attention a bit

This time of year is witchy for how the weather can change
I tend to check the mirrors a lot too, just to be sure the wheel spray is still dripping off the mudflaps.....
We check the door mirror fronts , if the ice is forming on the door mirror fronts, it’s time to park it

Wheel spray is deceptive, as it’s coming off hot tires, but yes, if you’re driving in slop/slush and there’s no wheel spray....no bueno, senor

Tonight my warning was the wiper blade noise, it creaked dragging over the ice instead of a nice swoosh like with rain, rolled the window down and sure enough ice on the mirror housing
We check the door mirror fronts , if the ice is forming on the door mirror fronts, it’s time to park it

Wheel spray is deceptive, as it’s coming off hot tires, but yes, if you’re driving in slop/slush and there’s no wheel spray....no bueno, senor

Tonight my warning was the wiper blade noise, it creaked dragging over the ice instead of a nice swoosh like with rain, rolled the window down and sure enough ice on the mirror housing
I was in highway maintenance for much of my career, when things started getting $hitty, we were just starting out.... The happiest winter sound is when the tires are squeeking on fresh cold snow. My worst is when the jake falls silent on the old 444 Cummins just as you started the descent on a 13% grade.... Fumbling with the damn key, trying to man handle it onto the 12" or so of shoulder trying to find a little grit ......
I was in highway maintenance for much of my career, when things started getting $hitty, we were just starting out.... The happiest winter sound is when the tires are squeeking on fresh cold snow. My worst is when the jake falls silent on the old 444 Cummins just as you started the descent on a 13% grade.... Fumbling with the damn key, trying to man handle it onto the 12" or so of shoulder trying to find a little grit ......
You and @historicalarms need to share a pot of coffee one day

My biggest concern with the way I’m watching things unfolding is we are losing the old hands (no digs, you earn being an old hand) who don’t pass on knowledge to the new drivers

The next problem is when you say “444 cummins” or “jakes” and you get a blank stare back.....

Yes, I’m happy running in fresh powder, even some slop, depending on how much weight is on the deck, but not freezing rain
You and @historicalarms need to share a pot of coffee one day

My biggest concern with the way I’m watching things unfolding is we are losing the old hands (no digs, you earn being an old hand) who don’t pass on knowledge to the new drivers

The next problem is when you say “444 cummins” or “jakes” and you get a blank stare back.....

Yes, I’m happy running in fresh powder, even some slop, depending on how much weight is on the deck, but not freezing rain
Freezing rain is it's own special little slice of hell isn't it?
I've brought up the idea of some kind of mentorship program for those of us that no longer wish to drive, but still be a part of the goings on. So far they don't seem interested, so I am happy to spend a little more time at home and in the shop during the winters.
Freezing rain is it's own special little slice of hell isn't it?
I've brought up the idea of some kind of mentorship program for those of us that no longer wish to drive, but still be a part of the goings on. So far they don't seem interested, so I am happy to spend a little more time at home and in the shop during the winters.
The sad part of today’s society seems to think “old guys” can’t contribute

I have had my knuckles rapped a few times from older guys, and learned from it

I think, as an opinion, the “old guys” are going to cherry pick who to mentor, and those who don’t make the cut will be left behind

But yes, freezing rain is not to be messed with

This forum is a great place to seek knowledge, regardless of age or experience
I think, as an opinion, the “old guys” are going to cherry pick who to mentor, and those who don’t make the cut will be left behind
You may well be right, and I might be one of the worst of the lot. I love helping people that want to learn and do for themselves, I won't waste my time on a slacker that's only there to collect a cheque. Sometimes a grumpy old ba$tard pointing out that you aren't cut out for this IS the best piece of mentorship. In this part of the country, if "meets minimum requirements" is the best one can do, somebody is going to be hurt. Tire chain repair is one of my biggest pet peeves, and continues to be the cause of way too many hours of truck down time, that always comes down to lazyness....... It wouldn't piss me off so much, but these things only come up in the middle of storms when you are needed most. :mad:
My fun yesterday in the frickken cold involved dragging in twin calves that were 10-14 days early. Had to bring in extra heat to the calving room. Mom was not happy with all the cats that gathered under the heat. A little boy and a girl, there will be some short ears for sure.
Calving room?! Pure luxury...
I thought for sure your story wasn't gunna end well for me when I read that....... So thank you.....

You are welcome sir.
Other than the cold snap here, are things heating up inside you for some particular reason?
Sounds like I have a Susquatch just about ready to pounce haha...
I never did mind the cold. I infinitely prefer cold over hot sweaty summer.

Although I have a few personal health issues, any side effects you might notice on the forum are purely the result of me trying to enjoy life with lots of laughs and friendship.
When we built our new barn we walled off one corner, insulated it and put in a calving chute, the vet loves this place. Can do a c section in comfort. :) If you turn on the heater and have 3 moms and babies in there it gets to warm.
I hope you have enough room for the calf puller.
We used to get semi loads of Western heifers that had met the bull, a few unplanned births from that group.
Although I am have a few personal health issues, any side effects you might notice on the forum are purely the result of me trying to enjoy life with lots of laughs and friendship.
Now is the time to enjoy life, laughs and friends. I don't get out near as much as I can, but I'm fast tracking the boys in hopes to see those days sooner than later.. We are all very different, yet very much the same between age groups...

Machinists/Tool makers/mould makers and CNC guys are certainly a different breed of people lol.. I'm ruff around the edges but mean well.

I have a few issues as well these days, however, I found mother natures sunshine products really help...
I'm battling a forgetful stage in my life... which.. I will just leave it at that lol.

Communication through posting text is out of my comfort zone actually. I'm more a P2P/B2B person, sitting down discussing things, designs, strategies etc

I hope your personal health Improves! So many good things on the bud to buddy market today that help us. Certainly, not the big pharma players! They took enough of our hard earned money over the years.

All the best!
My worst is when the jake falls silent on the old 444 Cummins just as you started the descent on a 13% grade...
Who ever coined the fraise "silence is golden" has sure never thrown the Jake heads on full 3 notch and had that engine go dead silent....The silence is usually broken by a lot of very loud swearing when those wheels hit traction again and bend a bunch of push rods, then the noise really starts when that engine fire again.

- 32 here right now...and am I ever glad Im not trying to start a big diesel engine or pulling calves....either one sucks in this weather.
Who ever coined the fraise "silence is golden" has sure never thrown the Jake heads on full 3 notch and had that engine go dead silent....
It was a blessing when some smart cookie determined that an oil pressure switch could be put in line with the jake, turning it off when the oil pressure got too low.
Having said that, it's been years since I got into a truck with an engine brake that was worth putting a switch on the dash..... And don't get me started on trucks with automatic transmissions. By the gods, we are supposed to be professional drivers and shifting gears is part of it. They might be fine on the prairies, but a six speed auto in a tandem dump truck is brutal in the mountains.