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Wheeled RC Tank Build

That is absolutely incredible and truly a testimate of sheer human will to survive.
Those boys&girls will have my undying admiration forever, truly a tougher breed than we are or have now.

But....getting back to that "tank thing" ...when are you going to get to the real interesting stuff...the artillery!! I am almost finished building a miniature (21" barrel to be Can legal) "interuped thread " breech loading repro of a WW11 artillery piece. Muzzle break & recoil dampener up next then the carriage.
Those boys&girls will have my undying admiration forever, truly a tougher breed than we are or have now.

But....getting back to that "tank thing" ...when are you going to get to the real interesting stuff...the artillery!! I am almost finished building a miniature (21" barrel to be Can legal) "interuped thread " breech loading repro of a WW11 artillery piece. Muzzle break & recoil dampener up next then the carriage.
Please start a thread on that, would be really interesting!!