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Wheeled RC Tank Build

This looks like a really cool build. While not an RC guy, I never heard, nor thought, of using tool batteries. Are you going to put some form of “projectile launcher” on it.

On a clarification note, tanks aren’t wheeled, they are tracked. If it’s armoured and has wheels, it is generally called an Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) or an Armoured Car.

I spent 8 years working on Leopard Tanks, as well as a few years on Cougers (wheeled with a 76mm gun). While the Cougar was purchased as a tank trainer, it was never referred to as a tank. Doing so in the mess, after a few wobbly pops, could get you into some trouble depending on the company you were keeping. LOL

I’m looking forward to seeing this build.
This looks like a really cool build. While not an RC guy, I never heard, nor thought, of using tool batteries. Are you going to put some form of “projectile launcher” on it.

On a clarification note, tanks aren’t wheeled, they are tracked. If it’s armoured and has wheels, it is generally called an Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) or an Armoured Car.

I spent 8 years working on Leopard Tanks, as well as a few years on Cougers (wheeled with a 76mm gun). While the Cougar was purchased as a tank trainer, it was never referred to as a tank. Doing so in the mess, after a few wobbly pops, could get you into some trouble depending on the company you were keeping. LOL

I’m looking forward to seeing this build.

I use tool batteries for lots of things. Telescope, remote power, etc etc. You can even buy power taps for most brands. My fav is the dewalt 20V. Used to use the Makita 18.

I fly RC helicopters right now. I could definitely get into a tracked RC...... Be a riot driving that around the farm with FPV..... To sneak up on critters with......
This looks like a really cool build. While not an RC guy, I never heard, nor thought, of using tool batteries. Are you going to put some form of “projectile launcher” on it.

On a clarification note, tanks aren’t wheeled, they are tracked. If it’s armoured and has wheels, it is generally called an Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) or an Armoured Car.

I spent 8 years working on Leopard Tanks, as well as a few years on Cougers (wheeled with a 76mm gun). While the Cougar was purchased as a tank trainer, it was never referred to as a tank. Doing so in the mess, after a few wobbly pops, could get you into some trouble depending on the company you were keeping. LOL

I’m looking forward to seeing this build.

I guess in the RC world they call anything that "skid steers" a tank, hence using that term. Tracked would be cool, maybe for v2 but wheels are much easier to source and build around. Although I'll keep my eye out for a used snowblower with tracks, seems like they're a good source for them.
That's cool. One thing I don't quite get in your demo re the motor direction. You have full fwd & full reverse mode where motor direction is synched accordingly. And pivot mode (motors spin opposite). But for general left & right steering on a vehicle like that, don't the motors have to progressively add in mix/direction/amount depending on how much the turn radius is by the TX steering knob? Maybe you're heading there or I've missed it, sorry in advance. Was just curious
That's cool. One thing I don't quite get in your demo re the motor direction. You have full fwd & full reverse mode where motor direction is synched accordingly. And pivot mode (motors spin opposite). But for general left & right steering on a vehicle like that, don't the motors have to progressively add in mix/direction/amount depending on how much the turn radius is by the TX steering knob? Maybe you're heading there or I've missed it, sorry in advance. Was just curious

You're spot on....I was just doing the controls at full but they proportion each other, so if you're full forward and start to turn, it pulls back throttle on the one side. Once you get to full turn on the steering, it's just one side driven and if you then let off on the throttle and still steer they start to go opposite.
Part 3 is finally up, has taken a while getting parts and learning how to use the lathe, but none the less it's here:

Will post a short video later but just got in from working on this project....it might be a little over powered lol I got one side of the sprocket drive in and figured out how I wanted to do wheel mounts, so one wheel on....it's, a little scary at full speed.

The other problem I think I'm going to run into is wheel balance. These wheels aren't exactly meant to do 40km/h and it shows.
I'm surprised it didn't rip the frame off the bench......

LoL and that's only one of the two motors...if I can keep it from tearing itself apart, this thing is going to be ridiculous. I have a feeling I'm going to be fighting with parts breaking though.
You may end up with gokart tires for balance, you're right the speed is wild.
Did you have a drawing of what the finished product might look like? Sherman? Panzer? Barstool? lol
You may end up with gokart tires for balance, you're right the speed is wild.
Did you have a drawing of what the finished product might look like? Sherman? Panzer? Barstool? lol

Yea, might have to...I was able to shift the split rim around to make it a smidge better, but it's definitely not great. I can also add some ramping through the controller and knock down the top end if need be, but I'd rather it go faster :D

It will look like a box on wheels..."tank" refers to the skid steering style in the RC world apparently, so I rolled with that name. Although it will be a steel shelled tank of a thing lol
You're doing a great job. Its gunna rip!
ps - I foresee a milling machine in your future LOL
You're doing a great job. Its gunna rip!
ps - I foresee a milling machine in your future LOL

Yup, I would be surprised if I make it through this summer without getting one. If anyone sees a smallish 1-2hp benchtop mill for $2-3k in southern Ontario, let me know :)