Haven't added to here in a while, but these fit more in here than they do in my lathe repair thread. I finally picked up a solvent tank my buddy is lending me. It's a really nice Zep tank, it needed a new filter and a couple new hoses. This thing has a string bound filter in the canister for particles, but then it has a big bag-filter in the basin for taking out grease and oils. Supposedly you should never have to change your solvent, only top it up and change filters. I got the canister filter from Home Depot 2 for $20, but the bag filters are 2 for $200 from Zep! Too rich for my blood on a borrowed tank right now, so I'm just running it as is. I also managed to get 20 gal. of solvent from work for free! (long story)
I also started on a project in my free-time at work (which is ample right now) that isn't necessarily garage related, but it is machining related, and I'm hoping it will pay for at least the rest of the drywall in the garage! It's a Kurt D80 vise that I got my hands on. It was in... let's call it "very used" condition, but these things are bomb-proof so it still has tons of potential in it. All you have to do is re-grind all the important surfaces!
That's the base of the vise getting the bottom reground. It's been fully disassembled, washed in the solvent tank, and I'm almost finished re-grinding it. It'll get a few coats of paint, and then I'll put it up on eBay. I have no need for an 8" machine vise. This bastard is HEAVY!
EDIT: Seriously, how gross looking is our surface grinder? Looks like you could get TB just standing next to it.