Welcome to my Smithy

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
Thanks we're pretty fortunate to have bought out here when we did. I'd only be able to afford to live in that shed now lol.

I've not found any makers mark. Not sure if it's actually a Peter Wright, they're usually marked pretty good. The weight is on there in hundredweights though. Can't recall exactly what it was now, but it's just under 300lbs.

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
I like this kind of raw production article. He made me understand the true state of the common lovers on the other side of the distant ocean!

May I ask you a few questions? 1. Can I use my neighbor's cottage for free? 2. From the picture you sent, it seems that the cabin is far away from the residents. I think it should be in the remote mountain forest. How far is it from your home? 3. Can the cottage be extended without an application? 4. If it can be expanded, can its height be increased and will there be a final area limit?

To be a blacksmith is quite a few men's dream! If you can find a suitable site, I will add an industrial beating machine, which can be easier to complete the forging work.

Thank you for your sharing, I hope I can continue to watch your progress!
I'll do my best to answer.

The shed is in my side yard next to my house. We are quite spread apart from the neighbors, but not as remote as I'd like :D.
We are in a protected environmental area "green belt" which doesn't easily allow new builds. I could build a new bigger shop, but it would cost me a lot of money, time and hassle getting the permits, and environmental studies done to do so. For now, because I'm not rich, I make due with what I have which are buildings the previous owners have built. If building a new shop I would go a lot higher. I'm not quite sure of size limits, it's been a long time since I looked things up.