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Tool Vevor Drill Bit Sharpener

+1 for Susquatch.

@TorontoBuilder - For me, this is experimental development. It's an objective of its own. So I'm in it up to my ears.

Btw, If they screw you, they screw me. It's part of the deal as far as I'm concerned. Usually I'm on my own in this game. I'm just happy to be part of team anti-cone!
I don't think they'll screw us, but 4 day shipping is way better than 15 day service and they just saved a lot of money which I equate to stealing from us.

But they're the only game in town.

If I need anything from them in future, like chucks, grinding seats etc, or more wheels I'll not buy through alibaba and have to pay their pound of flesh, I'd send a bank transfer. I think my bank wouldnt charge so much. I get the old farts discount
Package has been sent to Int'l logistics company...

Shipment made it to Hong Kong, where is now awaits pick up by, drum roll please..... UPS, those bastards.

Now I really need to see how to self-clear customs because I wont pay UPS' brokerage fees. No way.

Now I have to loook up how to complete that process but Im off to guelph today
Now I really need to see how to self-clear customs because I wont pay UPS' brokerage fees.
Be prepared. Not sure to what degree the specific steps were conveyed in prior thread some time ago but I know was discussed. My buddy does did this & sent me his flow schematic. Its a rigmarole. You have to follow specific steps, fill out specific forms, stand in line at a location that may not be so convenient (in our case depot by airport). So factor your time & gas & brain cells into equation. And they are getting wise. They drag the puck at every opportunity. The risk is, you miss a step or do it wrong, they ding you for holding charge ransom or worse, initiate return to sender. They don't care, its your package. If it gives you any comfort, on larger orders the fees are smaller as a % & in some shipping modes, baked in the total shipping invoice. Its the proverbial 20g box of air with 0$ value that incurs $45 dinger fees that frosts me. So I use USA address holding outfit from USA, but that doesn't do you any good on orders like this originating from Asia/International. Anyways, tell us how you made out in the end.
Be prepared. Not sure to what degree the specific steps were conveyed in prior thread some time ago but I know was discussed. My buddy does did this & sent me his flow schematic. Its a rigmarole. You have to follow specific steps, fill out specific forms, stand in line at a location that may not be so convenient (in our case depot by airport). So factor your time & gas & brain cells into equation. And they are getting wise. They drag the puck at every opportunity. The risk is, you miss a step or do it wrong, they ding you for holding charge ransom or worse, initiate return to sender. They don't care, its your package. If it gives you any comfort, on larger orders the fees are smaller as a % & in some shipping modes, baked in the total shipping invoice. Its the proverbial 20g box of air with 0$ value that incurs $45 dinger fees that frosts me. So I use USA address holding outfit from USA, but that doesn't do you any good on orders like this originating from Asia/International. Anyways, tell us how you made out in the end.

well it is not only my money, so I'll try to self clear at the airport... they show they're open 24 hrs a day.

but no way to avoid the HST, sorry people.
The battle field is filling!

I got about a hundred drills in a Kijiji haul. Most are in great shape. But I culled these out. Holy Crap! Definitely perfect timing for a drill bit sharpener!


I might keep some of the different angles but some are totally whacko!
Nice point angles! There's one there with the lips so unequal it probably drills a hundred thou over. At least grab a couple of nuts out of the bin and make a rough and ready 120* drill point gauge......A scale to measure lip length wouldn't hurt either. Gotta re calibrate the eyecrometer every once in a while........
well it is not only my money, so I'll try to self clear at the airport... they show they're open 24 hrs a day.

but no way to avoid the HST, sorry people.
I'm ok letting UPS or whomever clear customs. Split x many ways is still a lot cheaper than you spending several hours dealing with CBSA, and traffic.

If you clear customs yourself, you'll need to fill out a B3 form, and then follow their procedures when you get there. They are not patient, they don't like newbies.
Now I really need to see how to self-clear customs because I wont pay UPS' brokerage fees. No way.
In November, my replacement DRO came from Ali via UPS. The brokerage charge was only C$17.65 + $2.29 HST. Needless to say, I was very pleasantly surprised and paid it without complaint. UPS also collected the HST but it was a weirdly low amount, less than 1/2 what I expected. I didn't rock that boat either!


Yeah I bet the previous owner was one of those whose mantra was "I know how to hand sharpen, why do I need a grinder?

Funny, I was thinking exactly that myself!

It's right up there with torquing bolts. I'm ok with those guys who think they have calibrated arms, but I'd really need to see proof before I believe it. I'd bet at least half are more than 25% out.

I've tried both and failed despite my best efforts. I'm not afraid to admit I need a few more tools to do it right!

Note - I was gunna say I wasn't afraid to admit I need help, but I know how that would end.......
I'm ok letting UPS or whomever clear customs. Split x many ways is still a lot cheaper than you spending several hours dealing with CBSA, and traffic.

If you clear customs yourself, you'll need to fill out a B3 form, and then follow their procedures when you get there. They are not patient, they don't like newbies.
I'm in Guelph so if they send docs b4 I head home I can self clear... we shall see
You guys designing and prototyping the conversion pieces are amazing!!

The expanded capability of the Vevor sharpener will be a great addition.

I received the larger collets and chuck on the weekend, I can now expand my sharpening to 17mm, thank you for the links to the additional tooling, very much appreciated.
In my experience UPS clearance fees for shipments from China are not the same gouging as ones from US. No idea why. That is why I prefer buying from China, and even more so now.
Truer words were never spoken. Enjoy Guelphing:p

Managed to joint a ton of maple today, and got a fair bit planed as well. Found a couple of 2 1/8" x 8 x 12' with beautiful curly patterns that are now stuck away for something special.

My buddy has so much maple he was going to use it to make 7" high baseboards he planned to simply paint. I nearly died hearing that.
My buddy has so much maple he was going to use it to make 7" high baseboards he planned to simply paint. I nearly died hearing that.

My wife is always suggesting we should paint the trim in our house. I am constantly reminding her that I love the colour and warmth of real wood. I think I would die of heart failure if she ever painted it.