Lately while uploading images - (files from mac OS *.heic files) which are are container files containing various bits of media (picture, video, sound - anyway I keep getting max file size exceeded errors. Apple phones make these files default when taking pictures now. This is for files about 1.4MB or larger. Anyone else getting errors on uploading images?
BTW the work around is to open the file on your computer - select all and copy - then paste it into the message you are editing. Like below here is a copy paste picture of my abused coffee table.
I'm only noticing this problem when sending the files from my phone to my computer and then attempting to attach them to the message. Second message below was created from the same image but all on the iphone. no problems there.

BTW the work around is to open the file on your computer - select all and copy - then paste it into the message you are editing. Like below here is a copy paste picture of my abused coffee table.
I'm only noticing this problem when sending the files from my phone to my computer and then attempting to attach them to the message. Second message below was created from the same image but all on the iphone. no problems there.

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