This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. The can recommend it, they can explain why it would to your benefit and so on .... but should they force it? That is stepping outside of their mandate imo, and they are a non elected entity. If they've done it once you can bet it isn't the only time. Too many rules. The enormous force of special interests pushes for more and more laws, rules and regs, but there is no countervailing forcing calling BS and getting rid of them.
There's also keeping up with the times, people want to install smart switches everywhere (heck, I've got a couple dozen in the house) and without the neutral they are going to hack around it and make things not safe.
How did you not manage to have neutral wires in your box? You would have to go out of your way to omit them
On switch lines if you run power to the light first, then just run a 14/2 down to the switch and run the hot only down, through the switch, and back. That's how a lot of light switches used to be wired. The other pain in the royal ass is 3 way switches and trying to get neutrals everywhere, you have to use 14/4 wire, or run two 14/2's, or run neutral lines to both switches on either side of the 3 way.